Houston's First Birthday + Best of Baby Sale - Kailee Wright
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Houston’s First Birthday + Best of Baby Sale

Houston's 1st birthday-1

me:  shirt (old)  |  jeans  |  flip flops  |  hat  |  sunnies  |  bracelets + here  ||  hunter: dress  ||  hudson:  shirt  |  shorts  |  hat  ||  hayden:  dress  ||   houston:  onesie (sold out) similar

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Earlier this month Houston turned ONE!! We still can’t believe that our baby is already a year old. We were lucky enough to have my whole family come down to Newport to celebrate his birthday! For his party, I wanted SIMPLE and no fuss!! We were already planning on doing some fun activities with my family so I decided to throw party in the middle of it all. We rented a boat and ordered lunch to go to make everything simple and also so I wouldn’t have to worry about prepping/cleaning or anything else. I went with a “Nautical” theme…because come on we were in Newport. I ordered Sprinkles Cupcakes and we enjoyed ourselves while we sailed around the harbor. We seriously had the best time and I loved every second of it!

In honor of our lil guy’s birthday, I gathered up my favorite – must have baby items from Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale! I absolutely love all of these items + we own almost all of them or I have given them as gifts!! If you have any questions or need suggestion on anything baby feel free to ask in the comments below. I feel like after four little people we’ve gone through about every baby product out there!! Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see our favorite picks!!

xx – kails



Houston 1st birthday Newport Houston 1st birthday NewportHouston's 1st birthday-1 Houston 1st birthday Newport sprinkles-cupcakes kailee-wright-houston-birthdayHouston's 1st birthday-1




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7 − 6 =

  1. Oh my goodness that little dude is adorable!!!!! Random question, would you recommend the dockAtot for an 8 month old? I am at a loss for sleep options with my little man. The only way I could get him to sleep before was in the rockNplay but he is too big for it now and I just don’t know what to do! 🙁 I really can’t afford to buy it if it doesn’t work but at this point I am desperate, not just for my sleep but this poor babe who is miserable and won’t sleep!!

    1. Hey Allie!!

      Houston slept in his rock and play till about 7 months as well. The big dock a tot really helped Houston…so to us it was totally worth every penny. I can’t promise that it will work, but everyone that has bought it has emailed me and told me how glad they were that we shared. At this point I feel like anything is a help. Hope that helps Allie. Let me know if you need anything else. Sending good sleeping vibes your way!!



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