My 2025 Goals - Kailee Wright
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My 2025 Goals

Happy New Year! Today on the blog I’m sharing my 2025 goals. I set very simple, doable goals. If I hit them, then I will adjust them. But I’m trying to be practical! I just ordered this To-Do Notebook to help keep me organized this year and stick to my goals! So I’m excited about that.

dress + hat


-This year, I want to read 2 books! Last year, I made a goal to read a book each month and I only read 1! So I’m trying to be realistic.

-I want to bake with my mom and sister once a month. We have lots of recipes we want to try together! Last week we made yogurt, tortillas, and bread and it was so good! Along with this, I want to bake something sweet once a week that my kids can enjoy.

-For my spiritual/mental goals, I want to get back to doing my gratitude journals and meditating each morning. It helps keep my mind on track. Of course with this, I want to continue reading my scriptures every day.

-Joe and I made a goal to make it to the temple 6 times together this year! It’s important to us and we’re going to try to make it more of a priority together.

-My physical goals are always the same. I want to move my body 3 times a week, and go for a walk 2 times a week.

-For my work goal, I honestly want to work less. I want to take Thursday’s completely off, which is going to be so hard for me. But I don’t want to be on my phone at all on Thursdays because I know it’s important for me to have time for ME.

-Another work goal is to always be done working by 2:30, which is when I pick the kids up from school.

-Our main family goal this year is to know Christ better. Not just the things He did, but to actually strengthen our personal relationship with him through prayer and scripture study.

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Happy New Year! Thank you for the love and support always.

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