Teen Takeover: Hunter's Schedule - Kailee Wright
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Teen Takeover: Hunter’s Schedule

Hi guys! It’s Hunter here with another teen takeover! Today I’m sharing all about my crazy busy schedule and my mom is sharing her thoughts too!

Kailee Wright Teen Takeover: Hunter's Schedule

kailee’s hat + pantstop


My days switch off every other day but every single day is so busy. I get home every night between 5:00 and 7:00. I’m also on the Bomb Squad for her school which means I go to all the activities and get the student section hyped! So I also have meetings for that on top of everything else. Life is busy but I’m thriving off it!

6:00am-7:45am: cheer practice (I have this every day)

9:00am-1:00pm: 2 high school classes

1:30pm-5:00pm: hair school

6:00am-7:45am: cheer practice

8:00am-5:00pm: hair school

5:15pm-7:15pm: all-star cheer (I have this twice a week)

Kailee Wright Teen Takeover: Hunter's Schedule


Like I said, life is insane right now but I am loving it. I wouldn’t want it any other way honestly. With all the things I have to keep track of, I started using a planner this year and it’s been my saving grace! I am constantly checking my calendar and my planner, writing down every activity, practice, and test. My planner goes everywhere with me.

Another thing I have done that’s helped me feel prepared is make sure I have everything packed the night before. There are some days I can’t go home between school and practices, so I have to pack the correct clothes and snacks. It’s been a game changer and allows me to sleep in an extra few minutes!

Saturday’s are really hard for me because I’m used to running around all week, so it’s hard to just sit home with nowhere to go. I try to catch up on family time and do chores around the house, but it’s like I forgot what it means to relax! Haha.

Kailee Wright Teen Takeover: Hunter's Schedule


Mama Kailee here! I wanted to share some of my thoughts as well. So here’s a little backstory. Her junior year, we could hardly get Hunter to go to school. She still got straight A’s but hardly attended. So, before the school year started, Joe and I told her she would need to get a full-time job, go to school full-time, or do hair school while taking a few classes. She’s really ahead of school, so she only has 2 classes this year that are required. We wanted to give her some choices because we didn’t want her to just sleep in every day and hang out. That’s when she decided to do hair school and she’s loving it! The high school does help pay for some of it and they’ve been so helpful with her schedule, so that’s been amazing.

She doesn’t have a job at the moment. We offer her jobs around the house so she can make some money, but she doesn’t always take them. We take her to lunch once a week so we get that one-on-one time with her and we pay her for that. We both look forward to that each week. It’s a tradition we started when she started her sophomore year!

Honestly, I’m really worried that she will get burnt out. But she’s the type who doesn’t want to miss out on anything! She goes to bed a lot later than she should because she wants to be at every game, etc. I feel like teenagers are already so go-go and like to stay up late anyway. She was going to do soccer, and I don’t know how in the world we were going to figure that out! But she was practicing with the team earlier this year and eventually decided that chapter had ended for her. It was a hard decision for her. But she’s loved finding new hobbies. She started her own Instagram and loves doing that when she gets home. She loves sharing on there and linking items she loves. I’ll link some of her favorites here!

I’m just so proud of her. She’s handled everything so maturely, while still being the best older sister. Just trying to soak up all my time with her before she graduates!!

Kailee Wright Teen Takeover Blog

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Thank you to everyone who is supportive of Hunter! We love you all!

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