3 Back to School Tips To Prep For Distance Learning - Kailee Wright
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3 Back to School Tips To Prep For Distance Learning

Kailee Wright Ebay Laptops

We are in the final days and weeks of Back to School prep, and I’m guessing for the majority of us that is looking a lot different this year. Maybe your kids are going back to school full time but fully masked and socially distanced. For some, schools are choosing to do all distance learning. Or maybe you are choosing to go the homeschooling route. But no matter how your “back to school” is looking this year, I think we can all agree it is going to be different. As I’ve prepared myself and my kids for what it looks like for us, I thought it would be helpful to share some tips we are going to try, to help you prep for distance learning in your homes.

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I don’t know about you, but my to do list + calendar are basically my life line. Sticking to a schedule and a routine makes such a difference in my day. I think the same goes for our kids. When they go to traditional school, things are done on basically the same schedule day to day. Not only does it help our brains process and know what to expect, but it helps us not to get too overwhelmed.

When it comes to distance learning, I think treating the day like a normal school day is huge. I’m not saying you need to be teaching your kids for 6 hours a day, but keeping some of the key elements will be so helpful. For example, try to avoid sleeping in later than you would on a normal school day. Have breaks in your learning like “recess”. If it doesn’t feel structured, chances are you and your kids aren’t going to take it as seriously.

Kailee Wright Ebay Laptops


When we first started distance learning back in March, we were kind of all over the place, in survival mode. As the weeks went on, we set up work stations in the office for the kids to do their school and it made all the difference. They were away from distractions and knew that when they were in that space, it was to do school work. This can be a great option for homeschool, distance learning, or even full time students to have a place for homework.

One of the biggest issues we ran into was electronics. Having 3 kids, we didn’t have the computers and electronics needed for them to work at the same time. We didn’t want to invest a crazy amount of money either. A friend of ours recommended we look on eBay and I am SO glad we did. We were able to find great quality like new laptops for each of them to use at close to half the price we thought we would have to spend. You can search specifically for Manufacture Refurbished Laptops, which gives you the peace of mind they were  tested + verified by the Manufacture. I love that I am not stressed about them using something brand new that cost a ton, but they still have the resources and technology they need to work. And if it isn’t what you expected you can return it at no cost to you!


Kailee Wright Ebay Laptops


Life has been hard lately. The unknown and change is hard on us adults. We need to remember it isn’t easy on our kids either. Things are so different and we need to do our best to bring the joy and happiness in to their daily routine. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but will be worth it. Have a dance party break for recess! Go on a “field trip” to research something fun like ice cream flavors. Try to bring the joy and happiness they will remember. All of this might not be our top choice, but it is still time we can enjoy and cherish together.


I hope these tips are helpful as you prep for however Back to School looks for you this year! I’d love to hear your tips and ideas over on my Instagram Post!

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