Amazon Favorites: Fall Decor Edition - Kailee Wright
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Amazon Favorites: Fall Decor Edition

Kailee Wright Amazon Fall Favorites

harper’s similar dress  |  socks + shoes  |  headband  || my top- old (similar)  |  my skirt – sold out (similar + here)  |  heels

Oh Amazon! How did I live before the days of your glorious 2 day shipping?! If you know me you know I am ALL about making life easier with the grocery delivery and buying pretty much anything I can from AMAZON! From kids toys + snacks, to holiday decor and all things in between,  they have it all!! Top it off with ordering in my pajamas from my bed and receiving it in 2 days?! I am SOLD! You may have seen that last month we started a new AMAZON FAVORITES series here on the blog, where I’ll be sharing my favorite finds. Last month was a fun fitness edition, with everything from outfits to equipment! With Fall officially in full swing, today I thought it would be fun to share my favorite items for Fall Porch Decor!


A wreath is a great easy way to celebrate the season on your porch. If you don’t have the budget or time to do the whole thing, a wreath is a quick way to bring the colors and textures in.



If you know me, you know I love plants! I have them all around the house because they just brighten up your space and give you that pop of color. The same goes for my porch. I love having nice big planters like these as a focal point.



Having a good doormat or rug really frames your porch, just as it does for a room in your house. I love layering to give you different textures or colors. My favorites are the natural looking, but plaid options are super popular for Fall as well!


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I love decorating our porch for the different seasons! I hope these quick affordable amazon buys help inspire your porch decor and remind you it doesn’t have to be a huge deal!! While I was scouring Amazon for all these finds, I found some other great things to get you in the cozy fall mood too!!

So I wanna know…what is your favorite season to decorate for?! And where do you find your best decor pieces?!

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15 − 10 =

  1. SpriNg is the worst season to decOrate for, need heLp! Fall and winter are my favourite. And I Find my decor at thrift and dollar stores.


follow along @kailee_wright