Baby Announcement to our Family + Question and Answer - Kailee Wright
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Baby Announcement to our Family + Question and Answer


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We are so thrilled to finally share our exciting news that baby number five is on it’s way!! Since announcing on Instagram last week I’ve tried to put into words my feelings several times and thank you just hasn’t felt strong enough. The overwhelming support, kind words and genuine excitement from all of you has been felt and our hearts are bursting!! Sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU for all your support!! We have read every comment and email and we have felt the love full circle.

So we shared the great news with my family back in July and the surprise was the best thing ever!!! It literally took my family over ten minutes to finally believe us. You’ll have to watch the video — Joe could not stop laughing the entire time. After he stopped filming it still took my sisters another 5 minutes to finally sink in that we were telling the truth. Since the day we got married Joe has always thrown out that we are pregnant at the most random times at family outings and get togethers to get reactions from my mom and sisters. Never once has it been true — until this time so it was the perfect way for us to tell my family. We still laugh every time we watch the video!!

Baby number five is due in January and so far time is flying!! We’ve had tons of questions and I’m going to do my best to answer as many as I can. If you have any more please feel free to leave them in the comments below and we will try and add to this post.

Scroll down for questions!!


How far along are you?  So I am currently 18.5 weeks

How is this pregnancy so far?  I was super sick with this baby clear until just a few weeks ago. I’ve never been this sick with any of the other ones so it really threw me for a loop. At first we thought it was the progesterone I was on (this helps me from miscarrying) but after I was able to go off  the medication the sickness didn’t go away.

Did you have any miscarriages this time?  No, actually this time we didn’t. I had prepared my heart and my head that we would probably lose this baby and that it would probably take us another year to finally get our last baby, but to our surprise this one stuck and we couldn’t feel more blessed.

Did somewhere you mention you were done after Houston?  We initially thought we were done after Houston…but the morning after I had him, I had a strong feeling there was one more. I told my mom, and she said, “okay let’s just give it some time…you just had a baby.” haha. I kinda thought the feeling would go away but it never did. It only got stronger. I honestly gave away all my maternity clothes and every single thing of Houston’s thinking I could talk myself out of it, but nope.

Is this our last one?  Yes. Absolutely. I haven’t felt more sure + complete of anything else in our lives, and we can’t wait to get this baby here!

Do we have help with the little people, like a nanny?  No, we actually don’t and the closest family we have live more then 5 hours away. So we are on our own. Hunter is such a HUGE help and I don’t know what we would do without her.

Will you stick with another “H” name?  At this point we kinda feel like we have to or this little babe will feel left out. haha. We never had planned this, but it has just kinda happened and we feel like all the little people completely fit their names. So now tell me all your “H” names because we need some ideas!!

Thank you again for all your kinds words + more!! We couldn’t feel more blessed!!

xx kails



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18 + three =

  1. Congratulations! That’s so exciting! We thought the our last baby Max was going to be the lastore one, but now I just feel that I want one more and it will for sure be our last! The only thing holding us back is the feeling that I won’t be able to give them all the attention they need. How do you do it??? Do you ever have that feeling?

  2. Congratulations! That’s so exciting! We thought that our last baby Max was going to be the last one, but now I just feel that I want one more and it will for sure be our last! The only thing holding us back is the feeling that I won’t be able to give them all the attention they need. How do you do it??? Do you ever have that feeling?

  3. I am so so happy for you! And so excited as that im due in March, (though not really telling people yet, but you can be in my “circle” ;)) so so excited to see all your great maternity ideas!!!

  4. Gosh this is exciting! This scares me too, reading that the day after you had Houston you felt like there was another baby for you. I joked to my mom that my #4 is giving me baby fever the first week we got her home and that feeling is still strong as ever now that she is 8 weeks.

  5. You are too cute! And your video is so funny! Did you know your husband was going to tell your family you are pregnant?? Your mom’s reaction is so sweet! I loved it! Thanks for sharing, and congratulations again! I hope you post another labor/delivery post. Houston’s was so sweet 🙂

  6. Congratulations! So very exciting!! Did you conceive twins naturally or through ivf? We have one healthy boy through ivf and are considering a transfer this winter.

  7. When do you or have you all ready found out the gender of this baby? Or do you wait till birth to find out?

  8. Your family is lovely … So no help?, but how do you go away for the weekend, kid free, or have date nights?

  9. Oh my gosh that’s so cute! Congrats! You’re amazing! 5 kids? I don’t know how you do it! I’m excited to see your fall fashion baby bump! What a fun time for your family!

  10. I’ve never left a comment before but you are my go to for fashion even though my body type is different I at least get some ideas. We have7 kids and four are “H’s”–Hannah, Holden, Hayes, and we have a 3 year old Houston too. Best of luck!

  11. Congrats! We are expecting our first in about eight weeks and could not be more excited! I love H names, and even though we ultimately went another way I still love these names.
    Girls: Harlowe, Hollyce, Hadleigh
    Boys: Hayes, Hollis, Holt
    Wishing you a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and happy, healthy baby!

  12. How exciting! We are due in about eight weeks with our first and could not be more excited!! I love so many H names, we ultimately went another way but I still love these….
    Girls: Harlowe, Hollyce, Hadleigh
    Boys: Hayes, Hollis, Holt.
    Do you have a theme with middle names too?
    Have fun and enjoy your last baby! Sending prayers for a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and happy, healthy baby!

  13. Congratulations!!! My first daughters name is Henley. I also like Harper but I know that it’s popular. ?

  14. I felt the exact same way right when our 3rd baby was born. I knew there was one more and that we weren’t supposed to wait to get her here. It’s a crazy feeling when you have quite literally just given birth, but such a great feeling when you know for sure that you’re done. So excited for you & your sweet family. And I hope you’re feeling much better! ❤️❤️❤️

  15. When do you find out the gender of the baby? Or will u wait for the baby to be born to find out as a surprise?!

  16. I am probably more excited than is normal , considering I don’t know you personally haha ! But your family is beautiful ! My first will be 1 next month and I am anxious to be pregnant again. Anyway, will you find out the sex?

  17. Ya’ll are amazing, congratulations!! We have one baby boy so I cannot imagine having 5 and having no help! Sometimes I’ll work from home one day and feel like I can’t get anything done. How do you maintain your Instagram, blogging and website with all the kids home, when do you have time??


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