Finding Balance in Motherhood - Kailee Wright
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Finding Balance in Motherhood


dress + here + non-maternity  |  shoes  |  sunnies  |  bracelets  ||  hunters dance wear + bag

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One of the questions I get asked all the time is how “I do it all”? and the answer is I don’t and personally I think no one “does it all”. I think we all just embrace the chaos in different ways. haha.

Balancing our four little people and their activities + blogging and my husbands insane-crazy schedule is sometimes nuts and yes, it is a lot but there are always a few things + tricks that help us navigate the chaos + find a bit of balance in it all.

These last few months (and the next few to follow) have been extra busy for us. We’ve had trips to Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Santa Monica, our home town St. George and more. Joe has been traveling for work (which he normally doesn’t do) as we are currently interviewing to find a job when we are done with this Hearts Fellowship in June!!

So today I’ve deiced to answer a bunch of questions I have gotten in the last few months + share some of my routines + tips for balancing (surviving) motherhood.


1. GET UP BEFORE YOUR PEOPLE – This has always been a hard one for me + it took me a few months to get into the habit of doing it, but it has made a world of difference in how my entire day goes!! With this pregnancy I haven’t been able to sleep very well and when Joe’s alarm goes off at 5 am I’m wide awake. (so this has helped me make getting up early a habit). The first thing I’ve been trying to do is MAKE MY BED!! Once I see that my room looks half way clean it motivates me to keep it like that + I am not tempted to get back in bed or lounge around during the day.

How do you get ready with four kids? The truth is I don’t “fully” get ready everyday, and waking up before the kids is a guarantee it will even happen. You all know how much I love hats and that itself is a huge timesaver so I don’t have to do my hair. I also (a few months ago) started treated myself to eyelash extensions and now I honestly don’t wear makeup expect for on Sunday’s or if we are shooting. I didn’t think it would make that big of a difference, but for me it has!! You can read all about how to get your hair to last up to 7 days between washes HERE. Another huge game-changer!!

Kailee Wright_Basic Tee_Jeans-1

white tee  |  jeans + here  |  converse  |  diaper bag


2. HAVE A SUPPORT SYSTEM – My husband Joe is my main support system (even though he’s not home a lot). He’s the one that encourages me to keep going, go on work trips and  is always telling me “we will work it out”. He now has most weekends off so he’s the one who is taking care of the little people on the weekends if I’m out of town.

Both of our parents are amazing at helping out with whatever we need, when it’s not possible for Joe to be there. With this last trip to Salt Lake City my sweet mom drove up to SLC to watch Houston the entire time while I was gone for 12 hours a day and my in-laws drove down to Cali to help watch the other three during the day. They’re all so wonderful and we are blessed to have such supportive parents.

On the other hand my mom is very honest and not afraid to tell me when she thinks I’m doing to much or when I need to take a step back and re-prioritize things. She’s always been like this so I know she’ll always keep me in check. haha.

Also, I started paying someone to come clean my house every other month because I just can’t get to it all on my own. Joe used to do all the yard but we decided that we would much rather pay someone and have Joe around (during the short time we get him) to spend time as a family. Also, Hunter is at the age where she can help a ton and it has been a game changer as far as running errands with only the two youngest. It takes a village, and it’s okay to ask for help!

Do you have a nanny? Nope…we don’t have any family nearby – so we’re pretty much on our own for day to day activities + errands — but with great sitters + Hunter’s help and wonderful friends we make it work.

How far apart are the kids? I’m not sure why we get asked this so much — but here you go. Hunter is almost 10, Hudson 7, Hayden 5, Houston 15 months and baby girl is coming in January. So the two babies will be 18 months apart. And yes this will be our closest age gap.

Kailee Wright_Munchkin Latch

top  |  jeans  |  bracelets  ||   houston: shirt  |  shorts (sold out) – similar + here


3. STICK TO A SCHEDULE – Now, this does not happen every single day, but it is helpful for keeping me on track with household chores, work, the little people activities and so on. I have TWO day planners that I can’t not live without and every single thing goes into those. I have one just for family and activities and one for work and my assistants. Also, a ‘thought out’ schedule helps keep my thoughts organized and actually helps me accomplish more. I’ll give a brief outline below.

  • 5:30 – up . make up bed . answer emails + finish any other work items
  • 6:30 – get dressed . (make up if needed)
  • 7:00 – little people up . eat . pack lunches
  • 8:00 – school drop off . back home to pick up the kitchen + feed baby
  • 9:00 – Houston naps . I usually work or do laundry or do a small workout
  • 11:00 – do lunch . clean up
  • 11:45 – pick up Hayden from school . do her homework + read with her (I count this as my one-on-one time with her)
  • 1:00 – Houston nap . Hayden quiet time . finish up laundry . think of dinner + prepare for the little activities later in the day
  • 2:15 – pick up big kids and do loads of homework . again I read with each kid during this time or ask abou their day
  • 4:30 – usually one little person has soccer or dance or a church activity . if not I start dinner because my people are usually crazy by 5pm
  • 5:30 – dinner at home or grabbing dinner on the go and heading to the next practice (I’ve just had to be okay with dinner out because this is our phase of life right now)
  • 6:30 – tubs . prayers . song
  • 7:00 – little people in bed
  • 7:30 – I usually pick up the house . do a bit more laundry if needed . have a shower (because at night is the only time I can find)
  • 9:00 – start work till 11 or 11:30

It’s nothing special but it is what works for us. Of course on the weekend we just try to fill as much time together as a family and Joe and I try to get in a date night. You can read why I think it is SO important to make time to date your spouse HERE.

Kailee Wright_Norstrom_Jeans_Men

joe:  jeans  ||  dress (sold out) – similar  |  shoes  |  sunnies  |  necklace  |  watch  |  bracelets

If your kids go bed so early don’t they wake up early? My people wake up around the same time most days no matter what time they go to bed. On weekends if we’ve had a movie night or late night  and they’ve gone to bed around 10:00 almost 99% of the time they are still up before 7am. Plus, I am usually done by 7pm — I tell my people, nice mom goes to bed at 7:30 haha. So it is just better for everyone to be in bed early.


4. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF – I continually need to work on this one. As I’m sure most of you do as well!! I don’t know why anytime I go on a trip, a girls night, or get my nails done I have this sort of ‘guilt’ for a minute. Like if I’m not doing something for my people 24/7 I’m a bad mother. Well, it’s not true. Almost always, once I’ve taken a step back from mom duty, cleaning, cooking or even work and done something just for me I feel rejuvenated!! Even if it’s just for an hour in the tub, reading a magazine I feel like I’m ready to get back in there and do the mom thing. Just being able to turn off your brain and enjoy yourself (even for 30 minutes)  is so good for the soul!!!

I am no pro, but these few things have help me navigate my way through motherhood + helped me learn to enjoy the simple moments and know the chaotic moments are just that “a moment”.

I’d love to hear anything that has helped YOU or your people enjoy the simple moments, help you get through the day, or anything!!! We are all in this together and I love to hear back from you guys!! You always have the best ideas.

xx -kails

Kailee Wright_Nike Shoes

my shoes  |  shirt + similar  |  jeans  |  sunnies  ||  hunter: shoes  |  shirt  |  shorts  ||   hudson: shoes  |  shirt  |  shorts  ||  hayden:  shoes  |  shirt – similar  |  cardigan  ||  houston: shoes


photos: corissa ann

Tell Me What You Think! leave a comment...

15 − 9 =

  1. These are my favorite posts of yours! Thanks for sharing a little window into your world. As a full time work-at-home mom it’s so helpful for me! I have the hardest time trying to separate and accomplish everything for me and my one little guy! I can’t imagine 4!

    1. Sharna!!

      Your comment really meant a lot. Sometimes I wonder if people even care to read. haha. I too have the hardest time separating work + my little people, hence I only do anything work when the baby is asleep, during quiet time, or when everyone in the house is sleeping. Trying to do both makes me a crazy person and I’m not very nice. haha.
      Thanks so much for your support here!!

      xx – kailee

  2. Great post! I love your blog:) thanks for sharing. What made you try the eyelash extensions? I’ve been considering, but know nothing about them! How long do they last? Were they very pricey? i have tried putting on false lashes and I find it so difficult, lol

    1. Hey Kate!!

      Sorry for the huge delay!! So I wear false lashes every time we shoot…and I hated putting them on – but they made me feel so much better even when I didn’t have time to put on makeup. I had seen so many women wear them and all the wonderful things about them, so I thought I’d start doing my research. I got them once a few years ago and they we terrible. So I asked around for months until I found someone that was amazing!! With 4 littles I hardly ever get ready or have time for makeup and I knew these would make all the difference and they have!!! I really never wear makeup because the eyelashes make it look like you already have on mascara. My girls last pretty long…I’d say I go about every 3.5-4 weeks. She is also pretty well priced for California. I figured I don’t pay for my hair or nails to get done I don’t tan or hardly pay for babysitters – so I am doing it!! haha. It’s been the best!!

      Thanks for all your support here + let me know if you have any other questions!!


  3. I read your posts all the time, once my Littles are asleep. I needed to read this today. I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed but I will use some of your tips to reset and see what works. Thank you!

    1. Ohhhh Susan,

      Trust me I have had those times and continue to have them. I hope all is well!! Thanks so much for your sweet comment + all your support!! It really means so much to me to hear back from you guys!! Sending hugs!!

      xx – k

  4. Great post!!! You are doing great!! I can’t imagine only 6.5 hrs of sleep though -that’s superhero ability Thank you for the schedule – it will be helpful! I’ve also found a huge difference getting up before the kids… although some days it’s soooo hard!

    1. Kristin,

      Haha. I’ve just kinda always been able to function on less sleep. Maybe not the best thing. I’m so glad to hear that waking up before your littles has made a difference too. I swear some days are so hard to get up but its worth it.


  5. This post is perfection! It’s so easy to see other moms and think “wow, how can they do it all and I often feel like I can barely stay afloat?”. We too are away from all family and friends as my husband is in fellowship at this time as well so I totally get how busy it can be! One thing I’ve started to do as well is waking up before everyone and it has made a huge difference! Even if I literally drink a cup of coffee (decaf now bc due w 2nd in January) and sit on the couch until my little one is up, just taking that time to plan out the day and have a little “me” time makes all the difference! I too believe that schedules are SO important!!! While things go awry many days it’s feeling like you are somewhat on track that makes a big difference for sure!
    Sorry for the long comment-I think you are SO inspiring and I thank you for sharing posts like these and being so candid and transparent about how it really is!

    1. Aly!!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to share part of your routine. I love hearing from other women!! And I totally get the whole morning thing. Thank you for all your support + kind words here!!


  6. Kailee, thanks for sharing a window into your world. As a new mom, I’m still learning the ropes and coping with the guilt so it’s really helpful to see how others make it work! You’re an absolute inspiration with 4 (going on 5)!

    1. Nisha!!
      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment + for your sweet words. Hang in there, I promise it gets better and easier.


  7. Thank you for sharing! It’s nice to know your days can be as crazy as mine but in the end, it is just a moment that we have the cherish and not take for granted.

    I have loved following you and enjoy reading your blog. I have a 13 month old, a 4 1/2 year old and a 7 year old so life is busy for us, I can only imagine how it is for you. Question for you, how long does Houston sleep for during his naps? My little guy Coby is on the same schedule but starting to refuse his afternoon one. Thanks again and ps, you have amazing style

    1. Andrea!!

      So sorry for the delay. We are so behind on comments. Anyway all my little people have gone through phases, but generally Houston will nap from 1.5 – 2 hours. Somedays are longer and very few are shorter. Once my babies start refusing the afternoon nap I try and still with it for at least 2 weeks just to make sure it’s not a phase thing. After about 2-3 if they still are not napping I usually bag it – but that doesn’t normally happen for my littles until about 18 months + …which Houston has just started. AHHHH send help. haha.

      Thank you for all your support!!


  8. You inspire me! With a one year old and one on the way, I find myself stressing everyday about how to make it work with two kids (and you have double the kids and more!) I too struggle with getting up before my daughter wakes up, so it’s nice to hear that doing so will help me organize my entire day. Thanks for this post and look forward to more!

    1. Elanie!!

      Don’t feel stressed and don’t feel bad. I remember thinking of two kids and it freaked me out too. It always takes a few months to figure out a new schedule with new little people. haha. Honestly, the days I get up before my people just seem to turn out so much better then the ones I don’t. Thanks so much for your support here!!
      xx – k

  9. Thanks for this blog post Kailee! I love following your blog because it looks like you “do it all!” You have a big family, you are an wonderful mom who seems to enjoy being a mom, and your outfits and house is adorable. I don’t have kids yet, but I would love if my life was like your life. I love blog posts like these that break it down, and I love how honest and candid you are. I love that you are honest when you talk about the hard times of being a mother of four (soon to be five!) and being a wife to a very busy husband, and I love how you make it seem like the good far outweighs the hard times. You are such a good role model for me!

    1. Alison,
      Trust me…I do not do it all!! haha. But I do try to do my best, and that’s all we can do. I didn’t always have this mind set, but I’ve learned over the years that choosing the happy is far better then choosing not to be. Honestly, thank you so much for your super kind comment. It really means so much!!


  10. Gah! I don’t love 5:30 but my kids don’t go to bed till 9!! Your schedule reminds me to BREaTHE (I only have 2 but feel tired and missing hubby always…we want more but my time management is not ok…thank you for a peek into an admirable and beautiful family!!!!!)

    1. Oh I know!! 5:30 kicks my butt and it doesn’t always happen. But when it does my days seem to go so much smoother. Hang in there mama…we all are just trying our best!!


  11. Thank you so much for sharing an honest piece of your schedule. As a new mom with a 10 month old I have been struggling with working and managing my schedule. Reading this article was just what I needed today! Thank you ♡

    1. Of course Noelle…being a mom and juggling work is always a crazy thing, and it will continue to change as our little people get older. Congrats on your baby!! And thank you so much for all your support!!

  12. Kailee!! OMG!! You are super woman. I have a almost 6 year old and 16 month and I work as a teacher’s aide 3 days a week and we do swimming and dancing and I’m just so exhausted all the time. But your IG posts and blog posts keep me feeling like I can keep going! Your family and family values are amazing and I think you are doing an incredible job mumma. Xx love from Sydney, Australia

    1. Maree!!
      Oh, trust me I am so tired as well!! Some days go smooth and others don’t—but we just keep going. Right? Honestly, thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! It really means a lot!!


  13. We have three kids, our oldest in kindergarten and our youngest is almost 8 months. Since stating elementary school with our son, I’ve been feeling like I just can’t keep my head above water. I loved this post! And am now wondering why it took me so long to find you and your wonderful blog? Thank you!!

    1. Ashley!!
      Oh my…you are so so sweet!! Trust me, we all are just trying to keep our heads above water. It might not always look like it but we are all in the same boat!! So hoppy you found us!! Hope you still around!!


  14. Hi Kailee,
    i just found your blog and love it. Your body is in such an amazing shape, you look good even when pregnant.
    Can you please share if you follow a specific diet or a workout schedule? Please??

    1. Oh my!! You are way to sweet!! And if I’m being totally honest I don’t stick to a specific diet and haven’t worked out this pregnancy. My mom stayed pretty little during her pregnancies so I’m saying it’s good genes. But trust me clothes hide a lot. haha. I don’t really worry about any of that until baby is at least 6 months old…and then I’m going to try and tone up and get into better shape. When I get there I’ll share with you all!!!
      Thanks so much for your kind words + support!!



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