Baby Wright Gender Reveal - Kailee Wright
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Baby Wright Gender Reveal


me:  shirt  |  white denim  |  sandals |  bracelets  ||  joe:  shirt  |  shorts  |  flip flops  ||  hunter + hayden:  shirt  |  shorts  |  sandals  ||  hudson:  shirt  |  shorts  |  tennies


kailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-reveal kailee-wright-gender-reveal

We happened to be heading home the weekend we found out the gender of the baby….so last minute we decided to do a fun gender reveal with some of our families. Joe’s parents + a few brothers ended up being out of town so not everyone was able to make it, but we were able to get it all on film with the help Dustin Merrill with Red Tie Cinema. Seriously, I called him two days before the reveal and he was beyond awesome to squeeze us in.

A few days before Joe had seen a video with powdered baseballs and thought it was the coolest thing ever!! Haha. Since, we grew up on the ball fields + half of our marriage Joe played college ball we thought it was only fitting.

We ended up finding these amazing gender reveal baseballs from Proof There it it Balls on Etsy and had them overnighted to my moms. They were so great to work with!! Through a family friend we were able to get into our old high school baseball fields to share the reveal!! It was so fun being back were it all started and were Joe and I had made so many memories with great friends.

We deiced to do the best out of three throws to have the suspense last a little longer…you can watch the video to see how it all goes down. I was so nervous that on the last throw I completely missed the plate and Joe had to basically run to try and hit the ball. Haha. Nerves got the best of me. We are so excited to share this surprise with you all and hope you enjoy.

Thank you so much for all the love and support you have shown us along the way!! It truly has meant to much to our family!! We couldn’t be happier to be adding another little babe (and last babe) to the family!!!

xx – kails

A HUGE thanks to

Dustin Merrill with | Instagram: @redtiecinema +Facebook

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Also….since we will soon have TWO babies in diapers (something we’ve never experienced) we’ve teamed up with one of our favorite baby companies – Parasol to give 3 winners each a 1-month gift subscription of Parasol Diapers & Wipes box!!

To enter follow along on my Instagram (@kailee_wright) + @parasolco and leave a comment below of you must have baby product you can NOT live without!! We will announce the winner Friday night. 

If you can’t wait you can use the code KAILEE2016 to get 20% off your first box!!

kailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-reveal kailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-revealkailee-wright-gender-reveal

photos: corissa ann + videographer: red tie cinema

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fourteen + 12 =

  1. So so cute!
    We’re going to have 2 littles in diapers too come December, YIKES!
    Baby product I can’t live without would have to be Burt’s Baby diaper cream. Kylie is so prone to diaper rash it’s ridiculous.

    1. Joi!!!
      So glad I’m not the only one who will have two littles in diapers. It’s going to be crazy fun!! 😉 I’ve never tried Burts cream!! Thank you for the suggestion I’m totally going to have to snag some to try!!


  2. Congrats!!!! I have 5 girls (3 step and 2 of my own….although, they are all my own, but you know what I mean).
    Anyway, not sure if you have a name picked or not, but if you’re sticking with the H theme, I heard a little girl named Hollis and I think it’s so cute. Just throwing it out there. If I can’t use is (we’re done), then somebody should get to!
    Enjoy every moment.

    1. Ohhhhh. How fun!! Five girls. Thank you so much for the name suggestions!! So so cute. Plus, thanks for your sweet comment and for following along here!!



follow along @kailee_wright