Instagram Round Up + Update and Weekend Sales - Kailee Wright
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Instagram Round Up + Update and Weekend Sales


top + similar jeans slippers phone case + pop socket  | |  harper headband 


If you’re new around here, every Saturday I do an Instagram Round Up of all our outfits + an update on the family from the past week. An Instagram Round Up is kind of a one stop spot so you can get all the links to things you saw + loved. I include all the best sales of the week so it is easy to shop them in once place! In addition to the Instagram Round Up, I include a little update on us. Just a few details on whats new in our little corner of the world!

We had another crazy week of construction on the house. The kitchen cabinets are now halfway done, so we are praying and hoping that space is finished within the next week. My parents came into town yesterday. We love having them around as much as possible, and are so excited to celebrate Harper’s Birthday today!

I am still not quite feeling settled in the house. Workers have been in and out every day since we moved in. We are still waiting on some furniture, and I’m hoping that helps pull everything together + help it feel complete. As hard as its been, I can feel it getting closer and can’t wait until it finally feels like home! The kids are absolutely loving all the extra space to run around and play. I’m sure being cramped in our little two bedroom rental for so long makes this feel like heaven for them!

We had an awesome planning meeting with my team earlier this week. I am so excited for what 2018 has in store. While fashion will still be a big part of this space, we’re definitely going to be getting on a more personal level. We will be sharing a lot more of mom life. Tips + tricks to make things go a little smoother in every day life with little people, family favorites, mom hacks and more. We will be taking you through every room in the new house in detail + sharing the ups and downs of designing and building a custom home. I’m excited for the new additions and to grow this little community we have here a little closer.  I can’t thank you all enough for your support and for being here. xx




sweater jeans phone case + pop socket


leather jacket  |  top jeans + here booties  ||  harper headband pajamas


dress + here + here  |  boots + here


balloons dining table chairs vases lights + here


cardigan + here top jeans slippers


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nineteen − fourteen =


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