Life Update - Kailee Wright
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Life Update

my similar shirt + similar skirt || houston’s similar shirt

I wanted to hop on here and share our life update! I’m sharing my thoughts about homeschool, what’s been happening with our house plans, how Minnie is doing, and more! Right now, we’re just really enjoying this slower time as a family without too many sports. We are loving all this time together, especially during Christmas time. Hope everyone is having a great December!




Homeschool is going AMAZING! I’ve never been happier with our decision than now. I think it’s because it’s winter and it’s cold and Hayden and Hudson have just loved being home with no rush in the morning. Honestly, I was really hard on myself for not teaching history or baking with them all the time, but the past couple weeks Hayden and Hudson have been baking on their own! They made snickerdoodles the other night and made everyone pancakes for dinner! It’s just been so fun for them. I’ve finally gotten it out of my head that these things don’t have to be done at a certain time…like baking class doesn’t have to be in the morning, etc. They’ve been coming up with ideas on their own and I’m just absolutely loving it!

Hudson has really started to get good at the guitar and he actually has asked for an electric guitar for Christmas! So we’re going to get for him!

Hayden has still said a few times that she wishes I was her teacher, but we’ve been reading together which is going great! She has read 6 full books since she started in August, which is incredible because in past years we’ve never been able to get through 1 or 2 books. She’s just loving reading which is HUGE and I’m just seeing her confidence build. It’s been so amazing. And she still gets to play! That’s my biggest thing. She still gets to be a little kid! When Harper gets home at noon, her and Hayden always play together and make believe! And that’s something we’ll never get back again. If Hayden was in school, she’d be gone until 4 and then would go to gymnastics after school, so she would just miss out. It’s truly been a blessing to see their relationship bloom! I don’t regret our homeschool decision in any way.


Our most asked question is “what’s going on with the house/our living situation?” So here’s the answer! We did end up selling our lot up in North Salt Lake, so that has been such a relief. Right now with the holidays, we’ve decided to just be content. That has been my “word” for the year. At the beginning of the year I told myself I wanted to simplify life, be present in the moment, and just be content. And God has totally set that up for us! Hunter actually loves the rental. She’s been begging us not to move out. But we’ve just decided that these next couple months that we are fine to just sit and wait. We’re in no rush. We’re just enjoying where we are at right now and choosing to be content!


Minnie has more than doubled her size! She can now go down the stairs, but still is slow at it. Potty training is going really well. It’s been the best thing for Hayden and we’re all just loving it! I’ll link all our favorite dog items here.


Hunter turned 16 last month! Hunter just passed her test, so she can get her license on the 28th of this month! She is so ecstatic (so are Joe and I)! It’ll be so helpful to have her be able to help drive herself and her siblings. She is nervous to drive in the snow because it is really scary and it’s already been really snowy up here. But, she is really excited!

She’s doing indoor soccer right now! It’s so fun to watch her be aggressive and do what she loves! It’s been fun to have her home more. We’ve just been enjoying this slower time of sports because when Spring starts, that’s when all the sports start up again! Hunter has her first “girl’s choice” dance in February so she’s going to ask someone in the next week or two which is crazy to me! So that’s exciting.


I’m loving my new hair! I honestly think I want to go even darker. I’m so glad I finally added some dark!


We’re going to St. George for Christmas! We’re really excited because Joe has never had the full week off for Christmas, it’s literally been 8-9 years. So we are excited!

. . .

That wraps up our life update! Wishing every a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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