My Blonde Routine - Kailee Wright
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My Blonde Routine

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I get a lot of questions regarding the color of my blonde hair + what products I use to maintain it. So I thought it was about time to share my go-to blonde products and a little bit of my hair routine. As a few of you might know I’ve actually been doing hair for 15 years. I’ve had a little shop in my house for the past 9 years and love it!! So when I say I have tried a million hair products…trust me because I have. haha.


cool blonde shampoo  |  cool blonde conditioner  |  apple cider vinegar hair rinse  |  apple cider vinegar leave-in hair therapy


I’m also going to teach you about purple shampoo and what it can and can’t do + all purple shampoos are created equal. The color of pigment (how dark the purple is) makes all the difference in how it works. First off purple shampoo is out there to help you maintain or keep your blonde looking bright and and not brassy. It helps to tone or freshen up your blonde in between salon visits. So basically purple shampoo is only for the blondes. 

The purple shampoo and conditioner treatment from dpHUE is one of my favorites!! I also like to add in a good leave in condition like apple cider vinegar leave-in hair therapy to help give a little moisture back into my hair. Purple shampoo is not something you use everyday. It’s defiantly a once a week wash kind of thing (or even every two weeks for some). It really does the trick if you want to maintain an platinum blonde in between. 

Awhile back my hair was more brassy then usual and after one shampoo/condition wash it didn’t do the trick. Then I remembered a few years ago I saw another stylist put purple shampoo on her here dry – so I went for it!! And it totally did the worked!! So there you go…if your wanting to brighten you blonde more apply your purple shampoo dry, leave it on for about five minutes and then rinse and condition with a purple conditions.

Below are just a few of the questions I get the most about purple shampoo + conditioner.

  • Does the purple shampoo dry out your hair? No it should not, but always use a professional brand…I can’t tell you what a cheap brand for the grocery store will do. 
  • When I use purple shampoo and wash it out am I able to still wash my hair with regular shampoo? I personally think you should shampoo with normal shampoo first and then use your purple shampoo.
  • Do you have to use it on clean hair? No but like I said above…if your hair is pretty dirty I would shampoo with a normal shampoo first. If your going to apply on dry hair you should be just fine!! Go for it!
  • Does it tone highlights? Yes! But only if your highlights are light enough. So basically if you went to a salon and came out a really gold or brassy blonde – No it will not fix it. It’s not a fix all. But if your a pale blonde, or your highlights are and they have darkened over a few weeks it will help brighten them up!
  • What if my roots are a different color than my ends? It’s fine…the purple shampoo will do nothing to your darker hair.
  • How many times a week should I use the shampoo/conditioner? I personally only use it once a week. I wouldn’t recommend more then that.

So what are your thoughts? Let me know in a comment below or if you have any questions I didn’t answer let me know. Also, be a good friend and share this with your blonde friends, cause you never know who might need a little blonde brightening. haha. Love ya!!

xx – kails


In partnership with dpHUE from Sephora 

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