My Goals for 2022 - Kailee Wright
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My Goals for 2022

Kailee Wright Goals

my sweater + jeans + hat + bracelets  ||  room details

We are officially into 2022!! A new year brings a fresh new start and for most it is a time to set goals. While I like to take the time to set a few goals for myself and my family every year, I also feel like the world puts a lot of pressure on us for that to be a requirement. That if you January 1st rolls around and you aren’t setting these monstrous goals and making huge leaps forward, then you must be moving backwards.

Every time I go in to making goals as well as sharing them here with you, I try to remind myself whose opinion matters on this. Am I making this goal because the world tells me I am supposed to, or is it actually something I would like to focus on? If you are happy and content in certain areas, that is ok too!!! Another thing I remind myself is that I can’t go into with the mindset that if the goal isn’t achieved flawlessly, it doesn’t count. To me, the goal is about progress not perfection. So with that in mind, these are a few of the things I’m hoping to progress on this year!

Kailee Wright family

hudson’s similar hoodie + jeans  |  hunter’s top + jeans  |  harper’s similar dress + top + boots  |
my top + jeans  |  joe’s similar top  |  houston’s similar top  |  hayden’s similar top + jeans  ||
stools + step stool


This one seems to top the goals chart every year. But I think I can speak for most parents in saying we always feel like we can give more time to our families, so it will probably always be part of the goals I set. As most of you know, I took a break from social media and my phone in general to be more present during the holidays. The difference in the connection and closeness I felt with my kids and even with Joe was mind blowing.  I want more of that and that focused uninterrupted time.


One of my biggest goals or focuses for this year is to feel content with where I’m at. To feel content with my phase of life, what I have, and how I am progressing. I think a lot of this is to keep my focus on the road ahead and not sideways on what everyone else is doing. Avoiding the comparison game and the what ifs. Be content with my choices and where I’m at in life.


This is something you all know I preach in every aspect of life here on the blog and over on Instagram, but this year I feel like I could use a little bigger taste of my own medicine. I really want to focus on simplifying things that we overdo or are causing extra stress for myself or my family that just aren’t necessary. To give you an example of what I mean by this, I have a story for you. Over the break when we were taking Christmas decorations down, everyone was in the worst mood (myself included). Nobody wanted to be helping, and my kids especially were dragging their feet. They finally came out and said “Mom, why do we even have to have allll these over the top decorations? We don’t care about the decorations. That is not what we love about Christmas.” And it kind of stopped me in my tracks because while I do love home decor and design, my reason behind decorating for holidays had always been them and thinking it was what they wanted.

For me this was a lightbulb realization that there is so much extra fluff and stress we force on ourselves because other people are doing it or will think differently of us if we aren’t doing it. And it’s just not necessary. YOU DO YOU!!!

kailee wright Guide to Maui Hawaii goalsmy sunglasses + earrings + swim top + similar pants


Don’t get me wrong, any time I get one on one with Joe is my favorite! But when life gets busy, date night can kind of turn into just a break from the busy, and get a little monotonous. Joe and I are creatures of habit and go to the same restaurant and get the same ice cream, 90% of the time!! So when I saw this idea to bring the fun back to date night over on my friend Merrick’s post, I knew I wanted to add it in to my goals. I want to keep it achievable, so I am hoping to plan one out of the box date night a month. I feel like we are always waiting for a special occasion or double date to do something different. But those end up being our favorites so why not do them more often!


Over the past 6 months I have been having weekly coaching calls with Beth Goodman and they have completely changed my focus and really outlook on life. She has taught me how to really clear my head, focus on what matters, meditate, and take time to recognize my gratitude. One of my goals to continue focusing on strengthening that mental health is to set aside around 15 minutes 5x a week to brain dump, meditate, and just grow closer to myself and to God.

kailee wright free people movement or goals

my top + shorts


Fitness has been a huge priority for me over the last few years, but I kind of fizzled out over the summer. I wasn’t in the best plate mentally so it took a back seat. And that is ok. You have to give yourself grace. I personally don’t like setting workout goals that are super strict or with detailed requirements because I know life happens. My physical health goal is to get stronger this year and to focus on building muscle.


Last but not least is my goal for this space. Being a “blogger” or “influencer”, it is easy to get distracted by the numbers and what others are doing, or what you “should” be doing. My goal is to focus on simplifying my content and focusing on inspiring and helping others. To go back to the basics and really talk to my audience like the girlfriends we are. Get rid of all the extra worry and stress and just enjoy the relationships we have here.

. . . 

Those are my goals for now. I don’t really like to look at it as goals for the year because our stages of life can change as we go. I may want to add something else in March or June, and that is ok! Don’t feel like you have to plan something and stick to it for 365 years. We are going for progress not perfection!

I also wanted to share this goal sheet with you! If you are anything like me, having a place to physically write things down makes all the difference in tracking and keeping myself accountable. I searched for hour and found this one I really like over at Saturday Gift.

If you would like to use it, you can click here to download the pdf or  just save this image! From a computer just right click on it, and save image. From your phone, just long hold down the image and then click add to photos. 


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