Three Things I've Been Trying to Keep my Energy Up - Kailee Wright
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Three Things I’ve Been Trying to Keep my Energy Up

Kailee Wright_Olly Smoothies

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As you all probably already know, being a mom of 5 little people means that we are allllways on the go and super busy with juggling daily events. Whether it be school, baseball practice, soccer games, dance, or just our every day tasks at home! The busier we get, the harder it has been to be able to balance it all and still try to put focus on healthy eating. Now those of you that know me know I’m not always the best at eating healthy and with a crazy schedule, it is usually the first priority to go for me. I know terrible right?! But I’ve recently found an amazing brand of delicious smoothies that allow me to be a busy mom and still have time to eat healthy, even on the go! Anything to make life easier — I’m all over that.

When I heard about OLLY Smoothies, I was instantly interested because I’ve always been a smoothie lover! When I have time, smoothies have been my go to quick breakfast, lunch and/or dinner in the past. A lot of the time that means picking one up while I’m on the go with the little people. But not anymore! I can’t get over how easy and good OLLY smoothies are, and they’ve become one of my favorite go to drinks + the little peoples!  Not only are they super healthy, you guys…they taste good! (and I am picky)  And all the little people can’t get enough, which is a HUGE plus!!

One of the main reasons I’ve always loved going the smoothie route, is the ease of packing  (and sneaking…I know you get it moms) in lots of fruits AND veggies. Plus, if you know me well you know we are not vegetable people over here. haha. Being so busy, this is where it got difficult for me. I don’t always have the time to buy or prepare all the ingredients to get the “healthy” additions I would love to be drinking! The OLLY Super Foods Smoothie is fully loaded with a full serving of fruits and veggies and has all of the protein, fiber and vitamins you need!

THREE things I’m doing to help me keep my energy are:

  1. drink more water : I’m trying to get at least 8 glasses a day if not more. I know this is a no brainer but trying to just get it done is sometimes harder then you think.
  2. more vitamins + veggies : I have been eating at least one super food smoothie a day. Just to make sure I’m getting all the vitamins and vegetables (cause we know I’m not a fan of vegetables) a day. I figure right now this is better then nothing.
  3. go to bed earlier : I have always gone to bed late. Always!! Right now more then ever I’m feeling run down + have no energy. So I’ve been trying to get to bed just an hour earlier and gradually working towards earlier.


I’m sure you all know how essential protein is to our diets. Without enough of it, our bodies can’t properly function. I’m starting to learn a lot more about this because I’ve been looking into the whole macro thing. More on that later. Being a sometimes exhausted mama of 2 babes this extra boost of energy the Super Food Smoothies offers has been a game changer! The high fiber keeps me feeling full too. So those days where I don’t get around to eating lunch on time because we are out and about, I don’t feel like I need to hit up a drive thru, because I stay feeling full so much longer!

It’s also so important for our bodies to get protein after exercising to help rebuild muscle. I like to give the Olly Kids Protein Smoothies to the little people after a hard game or practice so that they can get the protein they need to refuel.

These smoothies have given me peace of mind! Knowing that even though sometimes we might be in the van all afternoon/evening going from practice to practice, none of us have to miss out on the vitamins and nutrients we need has been so amazing you guys! Tell me some of your go to options – I’d love to hear!!

xx – kails

in partnership with OLLY

Kailee Wright_Olly Smoothies Kailee Wright_Olly Smoothiesolly-super-foods-smoothieKailee Wright_Olly SmoothiesKailee Wright_Olly SmoothiesKailee Wright_Olly Smoothies Kailee Wright_Olly SmoothiesKailee Wright_Olly Smoothies Kailee Wright_Olly Smoothies

photos: corissa ann


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