4 Tips To Dating Your Spouse - Kailee Wright
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4 Tips To Dating Your Spouse

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my top + jeans + bracelets  ||  joe’s top + jeans

Happy Valentines Day!! Ah I love this holiday! Nothing better than celebrating LOVE! With love on the mind I thought it would be fun to make today’s post about dating your spouse. It seems like every time I post about Joe and I going on a date, I get messages asking how we make it happen when we have 5 kids and crazy schedules to work with. So today I’m going to share 4 tips that helped us make still dating each other a priority, and will hopefully help you out too!

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This may sound kind of like a duh tip. But hear me out. A lot of us are so guilty of letting dating our spouse take the back burner. In our heads we think of it as an “extra” and not something that is a priority. But is is so so important for a healthy relationship and marriage. You need that one on one time to be able to be your best partnership to support and lead your family. By putting it as a priority in your mind, you are way more likely to make it happen.

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Now that you’ve got dating as a priority in your mind and not just an extra, get it on the schedule. When you plan out your week and write down all the doctors appointments and meetings you need to be at on specific days, make date night one of those things you schedule too. And treat it just the same. You wouldn’t just cancel a doctors appointment for something minor, so treat dating the same! I try to remember this when it comes to dating our kids too! Schedule it and make the time for it.

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Another thing we all seem to get caught up in, is that dating your spouse has to be some huge grand gesture. KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! Every Friday night doesn’t need to be a 5 star dinner and helicopter ride around the city. Date night can be as simple as going out for ice cream together or on a walk around the neighborhood. Anything that gives you time alone together to actually catch up and enjoy each others company. The simplest plans usually end up being our favorites anyway!

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Last but not least in my tips to dating your spouse is to remember to consider your season. We live in a world where the comparison game is right in front of our face 24/7. It is so easy to hop on Instagram and say “so and so goes on a date every single week”….or “they are going to a fancy dinner and concert”. There is a time and season. If you are in the thick of school or residency, date nights will be more rare, and probably consist more of trips to the grocery store together, or late night netflix binge. If you have a newborn, your date night might include a baby. And that is ok. We all go through different seasons of life with time and budget and it is so important to keep your focus on your lane.

. . . 

I hope these little tips help you reassess and make dating your spouse feel more doable. I promise you what you get out of it for your relationship is far and above worth the effort you put in to making it happen. Happy Valentines Day!!

photos : aubrey taiese 

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