5 Tips To Help You Get A Better Quality Sleep - Kailee Wright
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5 Tips To Help You Get A Better Quality Sleep

in partnership with JCPenney + ShopStyle Collective

If you read the post I did a couple of weeks ago highlighting my 2022 goals, you saw a big one for me this year is to get better quality sleep!! If you are anything like me, good quality sleep kind of tends to take a back seat. With 5 busy kids, we have jam packed schedules. I often times find myself staying up extra late and waking up early to tackle my to do list. Which results in no sleep. I know that getting good quality sleep makes such a huge difference in my focus, efficiency, and over all attitude, so it has been one of my major goals this year.

I cheated a little on my goals this year and started this one a little prematurely by ordering a few items friends had recommended that make all the difference to them getting in that good quality sleep, and trying out some new habits.  I have already noticed such a difference, so of course I had to share them with you too!

my robe  |  sleep mask sound machine  |  heating pad  |  similar white bedding  |  similar pillows


As humans, especially women, we tend to overload our schedules and are always adding “just one more thing” to our to do list. One thing that has really worked great for me is to plan on going to bed an hour earlier than my goal. So, if my goal is in bed lights out at 10, I try to plan on having everything done by 9 instead. By doing this, all the extras that come up aren’t pushing me back later than I want to be going to bed, and I am again enforcing that consistency of a bedtime for myself.


Yes, I want you to treat yourself just like you would one of your kids. Give yourself a bedtime routine. Our bodies thrive off of routine and structure. The same goes for bedtime, which is why it works so well for kids. Knowing what to expect and having that same routine trains our brains to slow down and kind of prep themselves for sleep. For me that almost always includes a bath. It helps me relax, slow down, and take time to process the day without interruption.

sleep mask sound machine  |  heating pad


If you know me, you know I am always freezing from about October-April! And trying to get a good sleep when you are cold + uncomfortable is nearly impossible. So, I set out to solve this problem and got myself a heating pad to sleep with!! It heats up fast and has a 2 hour auto shut off, so you don’t have to worry. You can grab it here from JCPenney!


The first up is a sound machine. I always used a sound machine for my kids when they were little. It made transitioning to nana’s house or traveling a breeze because their sleeping conditions didn’t change much. It was one of those things we would never leave the house without. So WHY didn’t I think of this for myself years ago? This one from JCPenney has great sound quality and is super relaxing. I love that it is really minimal too so you can store it in a drawer or pack it easily. It has been such a dream for getting in that zen, relaxed state, and not having sound interruptions!


I have to admit, I have always thought these eye masks were so gimmicky. But I stand corrected. They are incredible! Once I put this on, I know I am guaranteed to have no distractions. It kind of tells my brain, ok I’m ready, time to slow down and relax. I have loved it!

. . . 

While I know these tips + tricks won’t work for everyone, they are worth a shot if you are struggling to get in that good quality sleep. And if you are interested in trying out the items I mentioned, you can shop all 3 of them at JCPenney now with quick shipping and pick up options!

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