My Baby Girl is 5! - Kailee Wright
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My Baby Girl is 5!

harper’s dress + similar here + here  |  bracelets she wears 24/7

If you have been around here for a while, you probably know this is a hard time of the year for me. While birthday’s are so fun to celebrate, every year Harper’s stings just a little more. She is my baby girl and growing up so fast!! It always hits a littler harder as a reminder on her birthday. I kind of go into this spin overanalyzing. Am I doing enough as a mom? Giving them all enough time? Basically all the emotions. But this year I’ve really been talking through it with my life coach and with Joe and realizing there is nothing I can do to stop it. I need to find the positive in it and really embrace this stage we are in.

So enough of the sad emotions, let’s talk about my big FIVE year old!!!! Harper is the happiest girl you’ll ever meet. Her joy and excitement for everything in life is my favorite. I know without a doubt she was meant to be our last baby girl. She just brings so much of that happiness and positivity to our lives.

Harper is also one that knows how special she is and completely believes in herself. There is nothing she is not “big” enough to figure out, and when she puts her mind to it she doesn’t give up. Ever since she saw Houston ski last year, she has said “that is what I am doing when I am 5”, and she just has this confidence that she can.

Right now we still have Tuesday and Thursday mornings alone together and I cherish every single second of it! We have made it our Harper + Mom time and I have tried to focus on making it all about that. I love that she is still in the stage that she loves to snuggle, and will let me call her my baby girl, but can see her growing up when she says things like “Mommmmm, I already know you love me! You don’t have to say it 15 times”!

I wouldn’t say we spoil her, at least not purposely, but I think every one of us in the family does because we all can’t get enough of her!!

So here is to another year of watching my baby girl grow and loving her even more. And another year of trying to be ok with it all happening so fast!!!

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