6 Must Have Baby Items - Kailee Wright
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6 Must Have Baby Items

Kailee Wright_Baby Products

shirt dress  |  white jeans + similar (only $59!)  | swaddle blankets + here  |  pot 

I have had so many of you ask for my top must have baby products! After five babies and 10 years (now that is crazy to say) of using + trying out baby products I’ve narrowed down my personal TOP 6 baby items I think most families need for baby.

We have used these items for multiple babies OR I wish they would have been around for all of my little ones. But these 6 products have helped me in countless ways through-out the years. I listed them all below (in no particular order) and go into detail on each. I’d love to know your tried and true favorite baby products too, so please share in the comments!! Love you guys!!

xx – kails

  1. rock n’ play sleeper
  2. puj tub + towel
  3. diaper bag
  4. mamaroo
  5. nursing cover / bottles / pump
  6. stroller


Kailee Wright_Baby Productssweater  |  white jeans + similar (only $59!)  |  baby nightgown + here  |  bow  |  white blanket

. . HERE WE GO . .

rock n’ play sleeper : I’ve had this since my 2nd baby. He was really colicky, had bad reflux and would always spit up. Since my 1st loved to sleep in her car seat, we were thrilled when they came out with the rock n’ play sleeper!! All of my other four babies have slept in this wonderfully (for the first few months/along with in their cribs). I love how portable it is so you able to move into any room super easy!!

Kailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby Products

puj tub + towel : This is the best baby tub out there!! I love that it fits in any sink and you don’t have to bend over the bathtub. It has a hook so you can hang it to dry. This towel is also super great because you can hook it around your neck, set your wet baby on you, then easily + quickly wrap them up to dry. Genius!

Kailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby Products


diaper bag : So every mom needs a diaper bag and I’m all about organization, even a little OCD, but that is how I function at my best. If you’ve followed along for awhile, you know my love for Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bags. They have just the right amount of pockets to fit everything in nicely and yet they look sleek enough that it doesn’t look like your carrying around this huge, bulky, duffel bag.

Kailee Wright_Burnt Orange SweaterKailee Wright_Pure Growth Organic Snacks


mamaroo : This rocker has been so helpful when I’ve just needed that extra set of hands when one of my babies has been fussy, and I can’t wear them in a wrap like cooking dinner or one of the other littles need that extra 5 minutes of snuggle time with just them. This rocker has bought that those extra 10 mins here and there. Which every mama needs.

Kailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby Products


nursing cover / bottles / pump : So I have nursed and bottle feed all my babies and I think both are great!! But having a good pump is key. Another thing that helped me become more comfortable with nursing was this nursing cover!! Really it honestly was a game changer for me. I felt like I could fuss with baby and not accidentally flash anyone and it covered my sides and back!! Also, we started using these bottles with my second baby because he was so colicky and they helped a ton, so we have kind of stuck with them, but we have also branched out and tried a few others we like as well.

Kailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby ProductsKailee Wright_Baby Products


stroller : I’ve had my fair share of strollers, and this one is by far one of my faves so far!! I love the fact that you can turn the baby facing you or towards the front + the different angles you can put them in and it turns on a dime. Plus, it looks super sleek and modern which of course I love!

kailee-wright_skip-hop kailee-wright_skip-hopkailee-wright_skip-hop

photos: corissa ann


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  1. Hi Kailee! Thanks for the reviews, certainly helps this momma to be A LOT! Question– do you think it’s super necessary to have the rock and play AND the mamaroo? I’ve been looking at both but just wondering if I need both or can do with one or the other!

    1. I always say try one and then buy what else you need. Every baby is different and the rock and play might be all your baby needs. My babies sleep in the rock n play and during the day when I need those extra hands (rocking movement or swaying) I use the mamaroo.


  2. I’m expecting my first baby in June and have registered for the Mamaroo but not the Rock N’ Play Sleeper. Why do you recommend both items? I was planning on having the baby sleep in the Mamaroo next to our bed for the first couple months at home.

    1. I swaddle my babies and if you put them in the mamaroo swaddled you can’t buckle them and they will slide right out. the rock n play i think is more comfortable to sleep in and the mamaroo helps when you need that extra hand for movement.


      1. Hey Jenifer!!

        I think your referring to the diaper bag? If so the exact link is above in the post. 😉



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