8 Tips for Constipation in Kids - Kailee Wright
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8 Tips for Constipation in Kids


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You guys… I have to start off by saying a huge thank you! I don’t know why I am still surprised, but every single time I reach out with a question, whether it be about parenting, home design, something personal, or in this case constipation, no matter what you guys always come out in full force with sooo much helpful advice and I could not be more grateful for you taking the time to support not only me, but the little community we’ve built here.

So as some of you may know, Houston has always kind of struggled in the poop department. The poor little guy is constantly struggling with constipation. I was feeling at my wits end like we had tried just about everything out there! So like I always do when I need some advice, I turned to you guys and oh my did you come through!! I promised to share all of the helpful tips in case any of you and your littles are going through the same struggle. So below I’ve shared the top 8 recommendations! I’ll keep you all updated on what we try + hopefully what works!

  1. Miralax: This was by far the top suggestion so many of you gave! I would recommend checking with your pediatrician first, but once you have the okay, it is a great option!
  2. Kids Probiotics Vitamins: This was a very close second place, and one I never thought of myself! I’m excited to try this one for all my kids to get the added vitamins they need!
  3. Chiropractor Adjustment: I couldn’t believe how many of you recommended this! I’ve heard it can help with so many other issues for  babies + kids so its definitely worth a shot!
  4. Drink lots of water: This one has always been a hard one for me, and I’m thinking my bad habit might rub off on my little people. Hoping something so easy can help!
  5. Eat the “P’s”:  I have heard the usual “eat prunes” before, but didn’t realize the other P foods that can really help with digestion. You guys recommended Pears, Peas, Peaches, Plums, Prunes, and more!
  6. Culturelle Regularity: This is another one I would check with a Pediatrician first, but all of you that recommended it saw great results and fast! You can get it on amazon here.
  7. Happy Tots Fruit + Veggie Pouches: Really excited to try this one! I’m always up for an excuse to secretly sneak in more veggies, and those of you who recommended these say your kids love them and they really help “ease” things out! haha! Plus who doesn’t love the ease of those pouches with independent little toddlers?!
  8. DigestZen Oil: I don’t really use oils too often at our house, but the benefits of this one seem too good to be true!

I hope some of these suggestions help any of you out that are stuck in the same situation as us! I will keep you all updated on my stories with what I try + hopefully what is successful! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

xx kails

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  1. Some tips on this subject that worked for us (we also tried quite a few of these) Miralax for my LO was a bandaid affect and made him swing between that and diarrhea; I feel having to use often is not ideal for their digestive systems. So our next step was eliminating milk products. This one I noticed a difference with in a day or two he was more regular. (We switched to Almond milk and surprisingly he loved the taste and the switch was easy) Culterelle I couldn’t tell if it was helping or not and was then told probiotics are more effective if you buy the refrigerated kind. We were recommended the brand Ultra Flora Balance (they have a chewable) and Vitacost ships to you the next day if you order before 11. PB Assist has worked wonders for my youngest and is a Doterra product, they come in packets and we add them to his almond milk. We have also done liquid chlorophyll drops (greens) with my 2 year old. I just got a small dropper bottle and gave him a couple drops morning and night; then once he was more regular just a couple drops before bed. We have had quite the road with stuff like this and have had great help with my in laws being in the healthcare industry. If you have any questions feel free to email me anytime:-) best of luck

  2. My 4 year old has also suffered from constipation since he was born, and I have also tried most of these remedies. I would not give Miralax to my LO, but only as a last resort because I am not very comfortable with the main ingredient (polyethelene glycol) but that is just me. What has worked for my LO is the Culturelle probiotics (yellow box) on a daily basis and the Culturelle Regularity (green box) which has added prunes, every other day, plus if I see he is still having issues I give him Dr Christophers Kid-e-Reg tonic or make him Chamomille tea to drink during the day as regular water with no sugar, but you may want to sweeten with little honey or coconut sugar. These are all great tips for new moms or just any mom having a child with these issues. Thank you for talking about these real mom issues that worry us so often and no one talks about it.

    1. Thank you so much for your tips and compliments! I really try to keep this a relatable, real life space that we can all help each other! Thank you so much for being part of it!


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