Anthropologie Extra 40% Off Sale - Kailee Wright
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Anthropologie Extra 40% Off Sale

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Happy Friday Friends!! Sorry I’ve been kinda missing over here…I’ve been soaking up all this baby time because I know it’s not going to last long and I don’t ever want to look back on this stage and regret not taking it all in. You know what I mean?! So today is a quick post…I rounded up some of the best items + my favorites for the HUGE SALE Anthropologie is having right now. It’s take an additional 40% off already mark SALE items!! Such a great sale!! So my dress above was originally $148 and when you use the code: EXTRA40 it takes it down to $53!!! So good right? Click on any image above to shop!!

Also, I just want you all to know how much we appreciate your support here in this space + over on Instagram!! We read all your comments of love, heart ache, growing your families and more!! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend with your loved ones!!

xoxo . kailee

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