Celebrating our NINE year old Hudson - Kailee Wright
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Celebrating our NINE year old Hudson

hudson wright ninth birthday

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Summer is such a busy but oh so fun time for our family! We, like I’m sure most of you, try to pack in as many fun items on our Bucket List as we can! The family time is just so good!! One of our families favorite parts of summer is celebrating our sweet HUDSON on his birthday!! Somehow he is already nine and I have no idea how that happened! To help celebrate him, I thought I’d share some fun facts + my favorite things about him for his special day!

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Hudson is our 2nd oldest, and out of the 5, he was our biggest baby when he was born. Whenever I think of his birthday, I love remembering my delivery with him. He was the first baby where it was just Joe + I in the delivery room, because we lived across the country in Kentucky while Joe was in Medical School. It was such a special experience and he instantly brought such a happy peace to our little gang.

Fast forward a few days and we found out he was going to be a hard baby! He was SO SO colicky. Like constant uncomfortable pained crying. It was the saddest thing and SO hard on your mom heart. I really didn’t know if we were going to get through it all and kind of gives me anxiety to even think back on. But as soon as he hit about 6 months, he was an angel baby and we could not get enough of him. In fact, we were so obsessed, we couldn’t wait to have another one…hence why Hayden and Hudson are only 2 years apart! 🙂

hudson wright ninth birthday

As soon as I knew we were having a boy, I was so nervous! I had only sisters growing up, and even my little baby cousins I had tended had been girls. He made everything I had worried about a breeze. He literally potty trained himself…taught himself to swim…and is the easiest laid back kid you’ll ever meet. And you guys, that bond they always talk about between a mom and her boy is so so true. I can’t get enough of him!

One of the things I love about Hudson is he is always willing + ready to help with anything and everything. He is usually the first one up in the morning and takes the dog out without asking. As soon as he is done with breakfast, he is asking what chores he can do, and rarely complains about anything I come up with. He is a hard worker just like his dad, and lives to serve others + make them happy. His hard work and determination translate to sports as well. He will spend hours every day practicing and practicing in the batting cage, and it’s the first thing he asks to do with Joe when he gets home from work. He wants to be the best and is willing to work so hard for it.

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My favorite thing right now is his bond with Harper. He loves her so much and it is the sweetest thing to see as a mom. You usually hear that boys aren’t the best babysitters, but he totally is. He is so responsible and helpful with the babies, especially Harper. We are currently having a daily fight over who gets to put her down for her nap because we  both love those special moments rocking her to sleep and soaking up alllll the snuggles.

He is honestly the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet + I don’t know what our family would do without him! He is constantly making us laugh, quietly serving everyone, and just brings a smile to the whole family! Now we’re off to celebrate him turning NINE!! (tomorrow)

hudson wright ninth birthday


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