Life Update: Summer in our Temporary Home - Kailee Wright
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Life Update: Summer in our Temporary Home

kailee wright family

I wanted to share an update of how our summer has been in our new home and how everyone is adjusting to the smaller space. If you missed it, we moved back to St. George, our hometown, in the spring. If you missed all those details, I’ll link that blog post here. Overall, the kids are doing great and loving St. George! School starts next week and everyone’s excited about that!



We bought a house to live in for the next 2 years while we wait for our custom house to be built. The kids and I moved here in March and Joe moved down the end of April, so we’ve officially been here together as a family for about 3 and a half months!

We bought this home in the same neighborhood where we’re building so that the kids can have same friends and go to the same school. It’s a little tighter than we thought it would be… the kids are growing quicker than we anticipated. All the kids are sharing one bathroom. The babies basically share the master bath with us, and it hasn’t been too bad.


Joe hasn’t officially started his job in St. George yet, he’ll start in the late fall. So he’s still traveling up to Salt Lake to work a few times a month and working at a few surgery centers in St. George.


a lot of things have come to friction that we weren’t planning on. Things like zoning, walls, and a just a few complications. We’ve had to redesign the home a little bit again due to a few errors. The house is officially design, we’re currently getting it bid out. So it takes time to get everyone’s bids. We probably won’t break ground until mid December. We’re going to take you all through the process, everything just takes longer than you anticipate. I feel like we’ve been building a house for the past 3 years haha.


The kids are starting a new fresh year at school next week! Hudson starts his first year of middle school, Hayden is starting her first year of intermediate, and Hunter will still be in high school. Hunter made the soccer team and has already had a couple games. She started varsity the other day and is totally thriving. She always says her life is like a movie. She still has hard days, but overall, all the kids are happy and optimistic about everything. Having both sets of grandparents around the corner has been the best thing. We couldn’t have asked for more. Even though we’ve totally downsized, everything about life here outweighs that.  We’re just so happy to be in St. George.


There’s a house being built across the street from us. It’s a little bit bigger. It has a gym and a pool. We’re debating if we should buy it, since it will be quite a while until our new build is done. Our house is just so small, there’s really just no room to invite friends. We feel bad for Hunter because we want her to comfortably have friends over, so we’re contemplating buying the house across the street just to get us by and not feel as squished. We never know what we’re doing. Whatever God tells us what to do, we do. Had you told me a year ago that we’d move to St. George, I would’ve never believed you.

I wanted to share this because sometimes we feel like we’re the only people who are in limbo or not sure what to do next. Joe and I are always bouncing from idea to idea and just go with what feels right for our family. So if you feel crazy or uncertain at times, you are not the only one!

. . .

Thank you for being here and supporting us every step of the way!

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11 − four =

  1. Thanks for all advice and the upDates! I feel like im not the only one has a crazy household with summer sports ending And school starting up soon! Love reading your posts it gets me throgh the day❤️


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