dress + similar | cardigan + similar | booties + similar || hayden: dress – similar | booties || hudson: shirt + tie | jeans
I can’t believe Christmas is in two weeks! Is everyone ready?! It is finally consistently cold here in Cali, so we are eating up all the booties + cardigan looks. Right now we are still planning on heading to Utah to spend Christmas there with the family, unless the baby has other plans! haha! My next doctors appointment is this week so we will see what she says and make our final decision off that. I can’t believe how fast time has flown by and that it is almost time to add another one – our final one at that! Hope you all have a great weekend!! Love ya!
xx – kails
cardigan — similar | jeans + non-maternity | sneakers (on sale) + here | sunnies | purse | nail polish
shirt | pants + non-maternity + here | booties + here | purse | necklace
non-maternity dress | sneakers | purse + similar | sunnies | long necklace | small bar necklace | bracelets + here

me: dress + similar || joe: shirt + similar | pants + similar | tie | shoes
hunter: black jacket | tank top | leggings | sports bra || hayden: navy jacket | leggings | headband
me: dress + similar | wedges – similar + here | sunnies + similar | necklace | bracelets || houston: shirt – similar | jeans
jacket + here + here | shirt | jeans + here | wedges | clutch | sunnies
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