Traveling with Skip Hop - Kailee Wright
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Traveling with Skip Hop


me:  dress  |  necklace  ||  pajamas  |  backpacks  |  lunch pale  |  straw bottles

pink pillow  |  rug  |  wicker baskets

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(yep it’s not always pretty getting ready for a trip)

So who has traveled somewhere with past week for the holidays?!! We did!! We ended up driving to our parent’s house in Utah for Thanksgiving this year. The drive is usually so insane (like double or triple the average time it takes to get there) just because it’s Thanksgiving, but due to sick grandparents we decided to go back home.

We usually leave either late at night or super early in the morning (to avoid traffic at all costs) So the little people stay in their comfy pajamas + nap/sleep on the way. This is a game changer….because Houston does NOT travel well. When we travel I let each kid pack a small backpack of things to entertain them on the ride there and some snacks. I also always have them bring a drink in a non-spillable cup so I don’t have to worry about any spills in the van.

I shared a few more of my favorite tips for “traveling with the little people” HERE. So check it out if your planning on traveling for Christmas with your littles.

Also, Skip Hop still has an amazing sale going on!! It’s up to 50% off site wide until tonight!! Hurry on over and snag some great deals! We love their zoo collection products. They have such a fun assortment of products from pajamas (Houston is loving monkeys right now), backpacks, lunch bags, ect. and the kids absolutely love them!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend! Let me know if you guys have any more great tips that work for your little people when traveling for holidays!!

xx – kails


(oh the brother / sister love…these two have such a funny relationship)


in partnership with skip hop

photos:  corissa ann


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