Instagram Round Up - Kailee Wright
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Instagram Round Up


cardigan  — similar  here  |  jeans + here  |  sneakers (on sale for $49) + here  |  sunnies  |  purse  |  nail polish

Hey everyone!! What a week it’s been! It was my first week on my own with all 5 littles. Our help from family has left and we are officially on our own!! Day one was good, but day two…umm, not so hot. haha!! But the great thing is I get to try it all again next week.

I’ve also been looking for some cute sweaters online this week that I wanted to share with you all! I seriously ordered 7 different styles from Nordstrom and I’m still trying to decide which few I want to keep. Also, I finally was able to fit into a few of my pre-pregnancy jeans (yay!!) so I’m feeling a bit better about myself. haha! I hope you enjoy + have a great week!!

xx – kails


sweater  |  jeans + here + here  |  baby’s bow



headband  |  moccasins


hat (similar + here)  |  cardigan + similar  |  black t-shirt  |  jeans + here  |  booties



white dress + similar white dress  |  girls dresses here + here  |  baby white outfit + bow



black sweater  |  jeans + here  |  booties  |  diaper bag  |  lipstick (angel)



tunic dress + hat


wallet  |  t-shirt  |  jeans + here  |  similar new balances here + here  |  bracelets


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