Instagram Round up - Kailee Wright
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Instagram Round up


shirt + not maternity  |  jeans similar  |  shoes  |  small necklace  |  long necklace  |  bracelet cuff

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Hey you guys!! Who is so ready for the weekend?? Because we are dying for a weekend breakaway over here. Last weekend, we made a quick trip down to Las Vegas for a friends birthday party, stopped by St. George to see family + celebrate Hayden’s 5th birthday, then while we were there Joe had his first interview in St. George and then came home late Monday night. So this week we have been playing catch up and we are so ready for the weekend! Here are a few of my favorite + most worn outfits from this last week. As always let me know if you have any questions and thank you a million times over for your support here!!

xx – kails


jacket + here  |  jeans + here + here  |  stripe top (only $25)  |  shoes  |  bracelets  |  bag


t-shirt  |  black jeans  |  leopard lace-ups + similar + here  |  necklace + similar


dress + similar + here + here  |  hat – similar + here  |  shoes + here


jacket + similar  |  dress – similar + here + here  |  shoes  //  hayden:  romper  |  sandals

kailee-wright-instagram-roundup kailee-wright-instagram

dress  |  shoes + similar  |  bracelets


denim jacket  |  dress + similar similar maternity dress  |  yellow tennies  |  sunnies  |  bracelet cuff  |  small necklace |  long necklace + similar  //   hayden:  tunic dress  |  white jeans  |  tennies


white tee  |  jeans + here  |  converse  |  diaper bag  |  sunnies



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