Kids + Baby Gift Guide - Kailee Wright
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Kids + Baby Gift Guide


boy socks  .  baby mocc’s  .  emoji bag  .  lego’s  .  tie  .  new balance sneakers  .  grey baby outfit  .  beanie  .  bunny  .  red slipper  .  bracelet  .  backpack 


We finally sat down and asked the kids to write their Christmas list’s to Santa the other night — so now I feel like I finally have a good idea as to what they’re wanting. After hearing some of their gift ideas I hurried and made a few changes to my kids + baby gift guide.

They girls are really into emoji stuff (which really is not my favorite thing) but I found this cute purse + it ships for free!! Also I grabbed a few things for baby since we have absolutely nothing!!! Really, after Houston I gave every . single . thing/item away so I feel like we are starting over. haha.

Also, these lego’s (which what kid doesn’t like lego’s) also come with FREE SHIPPING along with almost every item above AND it can all still be delivered in time for Christmas!!! Hope your all are having a fabulous day and finishing up all your shopping. I promised myself I would finish mine up by the end of the night!!

You can also check out some more recent gift guides if your still needing a few ideas.  GIFT GUIDE for HER and our  HOME GIFT GUIDE

Last year’s Gift Guides:


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