Last Minute Gift Ideas For Everyone On Your List - Kailee Wright
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Last Minute Gift Ideas For Everyone On Your List

Kailee Wright gift guide

joe top + shorts hunter top + pants  |  marley scarf  |  houston top + jeanshayden jumper my jumpsuit  |   harper romper (old) other option + headband  |  hudson top + jeans

December is in full swing as is allll the crazy that comes with it! I love the holiday season so so much, but man it brings a lot of things with it! I feel like all the little people have extra programs and events on top of our usual crazy, plus trying to squeeze in the holiday fun and we are pretty much a mad house! With all the crazy, you are sure to need some great last minute gift ideas, and really anything is possible with my best friend AMAZON PRIME!

I love that at the last minute I can think of one more thing that will make a gift perfect, and it is 2 day shipping away from me! Since I know I’m not the only one that will need some more last minute gift ideas, especially ones that are affordable and quick, I’ve rounded up a few ideas for everyone on your list!

kailee wright fall update

 my coat  |  leggings shoes hat


I love coming up with fun ideas for my closest girlfriends! These ideas are things just about every girl would love, free shipping, and affordable! Win win win! Be sure to check out my Women’s Gift Guide for more ideas too!

  • Tanning Lotion: What girl doesn’t like to look tan through these frigid winter months? Sometimes a little tanning lotion is the only thing to help you feel more alive. I love that this one is so user friendly, the color is really natural, and you can’t be the price! It would be cute to pair with some flip flops as an unexpected twist for Christmas!
  • Planner/Notebook: I don’t about you, but I am a total list maker. I love making lists, and honestly if it isn’t written down in front of me it probably isn’t going to get done! I love the idea of gifting your favorite cute notebook or planner, along with your favorite pens.
  • Lip Scrub: This one is a tiny bit more pricey to gift to a crowd, but would be perfect for your closest girlfriends. Unlike other lip scrubs, you don’t have to wipe it off after use. It is the perfect soft pink tint to it, and it makes your lips feel amazing! I cannot get enough of it and love gifting it!
  • Moisturizer: It is no secret that I’m obsessed with all things Tula, but with how it makes your skin feel, there really isn’t anything better! I shared this over on my Women’s Gift Guide but it is too good for your to miss. One of my favorite things to snag for gifts is the hydrating day/night cream because it is amazing for any skin type out there and something you are guaranteed to LOVE.  (use code KAILEE for 20% off too!)
  • Book: You can never go wrong with your favorite motivating momboss or “you got this” kind of book. My favorites lately are this one, this one, and this one. Love that they give you such a new perspective on challenges that come your way and how to tackle them.

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Kailee Wright mens gift guide

houston top + similar jeans + flip flops  ||  joe top + shorts + flip flops


We can’t forget the men in your life! Whether it is something last minute for your hubby or dad…or that best friend your husband forgot to grab a gift for, we’ve got you covered with some awesome last minute gift ideas! You can check out my Men’s Gift Guide for even more creative ideas too!

  • Bluetooth Headphones: I don’t think there is a human out there that wouldn’t want some bluetooth headphones! I always like to have a spare pair in the car and at home so I’m never frantic looking for them when I need them. I love this pair because they are SUPER affordable making the perfect gift!
  • Portable Charger: If there is a gift out there that everyone can use, it is this charger. It has been such a game changer for us, that we have multiple in the house and the car. It can charge your phone like 5-6 times without needing to be charged itself, and has gotten us out of many a jam already.
  • Bluetooth Speaker: Right up there with the headphones, this speaker is definitely a crowd pleaser. It is water resistant so it’s great to use indoors, outdoors, or even boating. The sound quality is amazing and you can’t be that price!
  • Wallet + Gift Card: I shared this over on my Men’s Gift Guide, but one of my favorite fail proof last minute gift ideas, is to get a wallet and fill it with gift cards to their favorite restaurants or places to shop. Then you can turn the gift into an experience and go out to eat or shopping with them too!

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kailee wright kids gift guide

kids pajamas + socks  ||  bed white blanket  |  art  ||  christmas decor


This is probably the easiest category to be a little last minute, because there are always fun gifts that are sure to please your little people! I’ve shared a few for both babies + kids, but you can check out my Kids Gift Guide for tons more!

  • Baby Doll: If you follow along over on Instagram, you have seen how obsessed Harper is with her baby. I’ve had so many of you ask about it so here she is! It is the softest sweetest little doll. Harper loves that she can “feed” her with the bottle and seriously takes her everywhere!
  • Scooter: This scooter may just be the best gift we’ve ever given our little people. It is so easy to maneuver and the best for them to learn on. Houston loves it so much and Hayden still uses hers too.
  • Magnet Tiles: Ok I’m sure you have all heard of Magformers. My Kids (of allll ages) love them and could play with them for hours. I won’t lie, they are a little on the pricey end…until I found these! They are literally the exact same concept, and such a better price. They have over 1700 FIVE STAR reviews, so I think its safe to say they would be a win.

I hope these ideas help solve your last minute gift idea struggles. I’d love to hear some of your go to favorites to gift to add them to my list!

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