Life Update - Kailee Wright
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Life Update

Time for another life update! Life is flashing before my eyes. Every day is busy, but my heart is oh so full. The weather in St. George has been lovely. It doesn’t feel like fall here yet. We definitely love the warmer weather, but it’s so different to not be surrounded by the beautiful mountains. We miss those drives up the canyon! But anyways, I just wanted to give you all an update on Joe, the kids, our house situation, and more!

life update: bicycles

hayden’s top + pants + bike || my similar top + jeans


life update: soccer


A life update we are really excited about is Joe officially starts his job at the hospital on January 1st! He’s been working at the surgery center a couple days a month, but he’s excited to start his routine at the hospital and get that going.

Update on his weight loss shot: A few weeks ago, I shared about the shot Joe is taking for weight loss. If you missed that blog post, here’s all the details. He’s still taking the shot once a week, but he skipped it twice. He didn’t take the shot the week of his race, just because he doesn’t have as much energy or eat as much as he should when he’s on the shot. He also didn’t take the shot on the week of our trip with Hayden. He’s at the same weight, but now he’s just focusing on gaining his muscle back and doesn’t care to lose any more weight. We have this scale that measures body mass, so now he’s focusing on fat and muscle percentage. So we’ll do another update in 4 weeks and let you guys know how everything is going!

life update: color run


The picture above is from the Color Run that Houston and Harper waited months for!!!!

Hunter’s soccer season officially ended which is sad. We made a same-day trip up to Logan and back for her soccer playoffs! Her team lost 3-2, but they played so good. It was a great first year of soccer at her new school!

Hudson is in the middle of football season. I don’t even recognize myself because I’ve totally turned into a football mom! I learned all the positions and just absolutely love watching it. He hasn’t played for 6 years because he got a concussion when he was 8. But he decided to start it up again this year and he’s thriving!

Poor Houston hasn’t been up to much. We missed the soccer sign-up date, but he starts flag football and basketball in 2 weeks! He’s so excited, so I can’t wait to watch him. Hayden’s first cheer competition is next month so we are all looking forward to that! She’s loving her team. Harper is doing cheer also and loves it!

life update: soccer


We put everything on hold so we could completely enjoy summer and Hunter’s soccer season. So now that’s all over, we’re starting everything back up. We’re analyzing where we can cut back (since we were a million and a half over budget). We’re just really trying to decide if we should just wait it out longer or if we should downsize. So many thoughts going through our head. Hopefully in the next 2 months we’ll have a game plan. We’re still crossing our fingers that we can buy the house across the street in the meantime, just to have more room for our family.


Joe and I are going on our first ever cruise! Once a year we always try to do a trip, just the two of us. After moving so many times and trying to figure out everything, we haven’t had time to get away. So, we’re going on a quick 3-day cruise! We’ve never been before, so we’re excited to see what it’s all about! I’m excited to just have time together to reconnect.

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Thank you for reading! I hope everyone’s doing well!

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