Our Master Bedroom - Kailee Wright
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Our Master Bedroom

Kailee Wright_Mori PJs

I’m so excited to share my Master Bedroom design by my good friend Becki Owens! I absolutely love her style and know everything she touches is amazing, so I was thrilled at the opportunity to work with her on something of my own! We teamed up with Layla Grace + Gabby Home to give the space a whole new look!!

Becki and I actually started working on the space back in the fall, but with Joe’s job interviews, me being pregnant and then having Harper, on top of the regular craziness of our schedule, this often got put on the back burner, but I’m so excited to show you all the details today!

When I first talked to Becki about the design, I told her I had three main “wants” in the space and beyond that I trusted her and her genius completely. I knew I could just hand the reins over to her, and everything would be fabulous.

The first was to keep it simple +clean. Like the rest of my home, I wanted this space to reflect simplicity. I can’t stand clutter, and really don’t like a lot of extra accessories! In my mind, more stuff = more messes, so less is definitely more to me!

The second was to keep it white + bright. When it comes to my house I crave the light and hate when a space feels dark + gloomy. Gimme all the windows!! Since light is limited in our current house, I wanted to amp up that feeling through bedding and furniture colors.

Lastly, “want” was for the space to feel classic + timeless. It was important to me for the design to be something that really fit my personal esthetic, but that would stay on trend in months and years to come. I couldn’t be happier with the space and how seamlessly it will transition to the new house. And bonus…I can check one room off my list when we move!

I hope you love the space Becki created as much as I do! We are so excited to enjoy it for years to come! Check out

xx – kails

room details:


Kailee Wright_Mori PJsKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master BedroomKailee Wright_Master Bedroom

photos: corissa ann


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12 − 4 =

    1. Im very late to this post haha. But i love this Space sO much! Do You know What size bed and picture art That is?

  1. Love how it turned out! Do you have the exact link to the rug? Right now it just goes to the Layla Grace main rugs page.

    1. It looks like it isn’t showing up on their site anymore, but you may be able to contact them about still carrying it. It is called the Loloi Anastasia rug and mine is in the Mist colorway. Hope that helps!

  2. Hi what is the paint color on the walls! I’m loving this look and just moved into my house and would love to do a copy cat version of this!

  3. Hey,

    My name is Katie. I was wondering, do you accept guest posts on https://www.kaileewright.com? It’s about home improvement and stuff, so it would be a perfect fit for your blog and would greatly increase the traffic on your site. I’ll gladly send you over some sample articles if you like.

    Will be waiting for your response.

    All the Best,


    1. Hi Katie! Thanks for reaching out and for your interest. We currently don’ accept any guest posting. Thank you so much for your interest.

  4. Hello. excellent job. I did not imagine this. This is a excellent story. Thanks!


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