Our Home: Gym Reveal - Kailee Wright
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Our Home: Gym Reveal

Kailee Wright Home Gym

similar bra + similar leggings  |  shoes  |  weights
similar basket  + mats  || acrylic picture frame + printable (see below for details!)  ||
treadmill  ||  weights

The gym is finally done and fully functional!! Hallelujah! I shared a little peek of it the other day when I was going to workout, and had so many questions on sources, design process, and everything in between. So I thought it would be fun to take you on a little gym tour today + share how we made our dream a reality, plus share a quick and easy at home workout!

Kailee Wright Workout room

balance trainer flooring  |  weights  |  wall rack (sold out) similar here + bar + weights  |  trx system  |  treadmill + rower + bike

As most of you already know, we designed our own house plans. From how many shelves in every closet, to how much space we wanted in the bathrooms, we were very meticulous over allll the details. Our biggest goal was to have no wasted space. At the time we were designing, fitness wasn’t a huge priority to me. I was still more in the taking care of babies phase. Fitness just wasn’t at the top of my list. So fitting it in to our home wasn’t top priority either. But fast forward to now, and Health + Fitness has become a huge priority to Joe and I. We work out daily and crave that mental clarity and physical push. So we decided to add a home gym!

Kailee Wright Workout room

weight plates  |  wall rack (sold out) similar hereweight bar flooring 

Kailee Wright Workout room

treadmill + rower + bike

To be honest, I was still concerned how much we would use it, because I regularly get my workouts in at F45. But it has been a game changer and we absolutely love it, and not necessarily for the reasons I thought. First of all, it has brought our family closer together. Joe and I will go spend time together working out, and pretty soon we will have the kids follow and want to exercise too. I love that they have been able to see our example and want to get stronger and healthier too.

Kailee Wright Workout room

plyometric box balance trainer flooring similar wall rack + plates + bartrx system weights  |  clock  |  blinds

Now let’s talk build. We didn’t want this to be a crazy expensive process.  So we did a ton of research on every little thing. Joe was able to figure out that it was something he and my brother in law Trapper could build themselves on days off, saving money there. The family all pitched in to paint. We didn’t heat or air condition the space to save money. Instead we just have a portable unit from Costco that works great. We really wanted to do everything we could to get the most bang for our buck.

Kailee Wright Workout room

Kailee Wright Workout room

floating shelves + towels 

When it came to the design, we really wanted it to be a compliment to our home, especially to our style. That meant keeping things very minimal and clean. Every single piece of equipment and flooring was researched over for months. We wanted to be sure we were investing in quality items we would use. You’ll see that the weight system we have is not big and bulky. It is very minimal and can be easily moved out of the way. I just love that it is a clean slate so the sky is the limit with what workout you do.

Kailee Wright Workout room

That should cover a little bit of the background and behind the scenes. I hope you guys feel motivated and honestly, just believe in yourself. Once you have the confidence you will kill it! I love seeing this motivational quote in the gym, and wanted to offer it to you too! If you would like it, just CLICK HERE and it will emailed right over to you to download!

And last but not least, I thought it would be fun to share a quick + easy at home workout with you too! We’ve had so many requests for more fitness content. So I thought this would be a great way to help share tips to what I do and show how easy it can be at home with minimal equipment! Hope you love it!

photos: aubrey taiese

Tell Me What You Think! leave a comment...

seventeen + fifteen =

  1. Hi Kailee – everything looks great! I was Wondering if you bought the weights 1 at a time or found them as a package?


  2. Yes the dimEnsions (width) of the arEa wiTh yiue treadmill, bike and rowEr? Thank you so much! TryIng to see if i have Enough soace for thOse tHRee pieces.

  3. love this post! may i ask where you purchased the DUMBBELL rack for the cap weights? thanks!


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