Pregnancy Update + A Few Thoughts - Kailee Wright
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Pregnancy Update + A Few Thoughts

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I’ve been getting a lot of questions + sweet concerns about how I’m currently feeling and have been feeling, how is baby doing and more. I just want to say thank you for all your kind emails and comments!! They really have mean a lot. So today I thought since I’m being induced in 3 days (or maybe going sooner on my own) I might as well do my first pregnancy update — and last. haha.
How far along: I will be 39 weeks this Friday. I have been started with my last two babies, as well, due to how fast my deliveries are and complications with my pelvic bone separating. Last time with Houston they induced me two weeks early because I could hardly walk and he was still 8 lbs 3 oz. So I’m kinda nervous to see how big baby girl is going to be.
Weight gain/loss: I honestly have no idea. I didn’t want to look or keep track of a number and feel bad if I gained too much or not enough. This is my 8th pregnancy (5 little people + 3 miscarriages) and in all reality it doesn’t matter to me as long as baby is healthy.
Sleep: this pregnancy has probably been the worst with sleep. I feel like I haven’t slept in months due to my pelvic bone separating and all the pain that goes along with that + I just feel my body is getting old and can’t keep up. haha.
Food cravings: I don’t think I’ve ever had really bad cravings. I mean when I’m not pregnant I still want ice cream and pepsi all the time – so I don’t think much as changed. Except for now both make me sick and not sleep.
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach + being able to move from side to side in bed and not feel pain.
Stretch marks:  yep, just on my stomach around my belly button. I got them with my 2nd baby (Hudson) I have tried every lotion / stretch march cream out there and I honestly think it’s just genes. You either get them or your don’t. I know some of my friends love this for their boobs and this for their stomach.
Belly button: outtie from the minute I find out I’m pregnant. haha. No but mine pops out pretty fast and makes my mom and sisters sick.
Upcoming appointments/events: being induced this Friday morning!!
What I look forward to: having my whole family here for our last baby is something so special to me. They were all there with our first, Hunter, but haven’t been able to ALL be at another birth until now!! Everyone fly’s/drives in Thursday and I feel like it’s Christmas all over again!!
To say I’m not completely nervous for baby five would be a lie. I know we have done this four times before, but for some reason the number FIVE is totally freaking me out!! Like I don’t know if we can handle FIVE little people!! Right now, I’m just trying to think about holding that sweet little girl and praying that she is perfectly healthy and that delivery is fast and smooth. Wish us luck!! And I’ll let you know how five is. haha.
xx – kails

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13 − ten =

  1. Wishing you loads of prayers and warm wishes on a easy and fast delivery. I just had number 6 and suffered terribly with SI dysfunction(separating of the pelvic bone) with 5 and 6, so I feel you utter misery. Your going to do great with 5, she is going to fall into the group and before you know it you won’t even remember life without her. Don’t worry once your holding that little princess you won’t even remember a thing. You will feel so much better once she is born. Congratulations and enjoy your last two sleeps(but not really because you aren’t sleeping)!

    1. Shoshanna!!

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment and words of advice. Can I ask did you pelvic bone go back into place or did you end up having to have surgery? I’m hoping all my little people adjust well. I’m just a bit nervous for Houston since he’s only 18 months. Thanks again for your support!!



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