Where We're Moving + a Little Background - Kailee Wright
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Where We’re Moving + a Little Background


pillow  |  chair – similar  |  boots  | image via my sweet friend

So I told you guys a few weeks ago that we would be moving again + settling down — and hopefully this will be our last move for a very long time. Just to catch you all up here’s a little background as to why we have moved so much in the past years.


lamp  |  frames + here  |  rug  |  pillows (1) (2) (3)

Joe and I got married over 12 years ago and right away he knew he wanted to do something in the medical field. So I guess I sort of got a small warning that we’d be moving and maybe a lot from day one.

We lived in Southern Utah for 4 years while Joe got is Bachelors degree, then moved to Louisville, Kentucky for medical school. This move was one of the hardest for me as it was the very first time I had left home, ever!! Luckily we had friends in Louisville that made the transition so much easier for me.

After 4 years in Kentucky we got accepted for an Anesthesia Residency in Southern California!! We were thrilled about being back on the West Coast and in drivable distance from family. (I was so over flying by myself with three little people) So to be able to drive was a game changer!! After 4 years in California Joe decided that he’d like to do ONE more year and do a Cardiac Fellowship (specialize in hearts) before applying for a job.

So here we are now (or actually this past summer) applying for jobs and Joe flying everywhere for interviews. We interviewed in Utah, St. George to be exact because that is where we are from + both our parents still live there, Northern Utah, Las Vegas, Idaho and had plans to interview in California and Arizona. I honestly didn’t love any of this…trying to debate about what place was best for our family + hoping they even give you an offer was beyond stressful!!!

Fast forward….a few days before Thanksgiving we got THE phone call. Joe stepped outside to take it and I was so busy with the kids I didn’t know what was going on. He walked into the house 5 minutes later all the while I thought he was taking out the trash. haha. He slammed the door and yelled/screamed “guess what?!!” At the moment I knew something was up. He then said we are moving to Salt Lake City, Utah!!! I about died because I didn’t want to even get my hopes up of finally being able to live next to my sisters!!

All in all, we and couldn’t be more thrilled to live by family!! It’s been almost 10 years since we’ve lived by any family so this is huge for us and the little people can hardly believe it!! So I wanted to answer a couple questions we’ve been asked recently about the move…

How long till we move?  We are planning to move once the little people are out of school in June. Joe won’t be done with his Residency until the end of June…so we will see what happens.`

Are we selling our house in California?  Yes!! So if you know anyone that wants it let me know!! haha. We will probably put our house up for sale sometime in March or April. Wish me luck trying to show a house with two babies under 18 months.

Do we plan to build or buy?  We are headed up to Salt Lake as I type this!! We are currently looking at all options…buying old + fixing up, building or even renting if we have to. So nothing is off the table.

Of course I started pinning like crazy over on my Pinterest Home board for all ideas for building/renovating!! I’m hoping to share our progress all along the way!! So stay tuned for a bunch of crazy and a lot of fun (and hopefully I don’t lose my mind) along the way. haha

xx – kails


dining table  |  bench  |  rug

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4 + two =

  1. How did you live on a student budget with all the kids?? My husband is in dental school, and I love to decorate but it’s so hard with not an income. I always love your style and have a 16 month old, so I was curious how you do it?!

    1. Jeanette,

      I know what your talking about. So I have always worked…since before we were even married. I am actually a hair stylist and have done hair for over 15 years. When we first moved to medical school we put a salon in our house and I did hair during nap time and at night when my first (and only daughter) was asleep. Every bit helped. Then when we moved to cali I did the same and did hair when the kids were at school and late at night to help us financially. The money that I have been able to bring in has help us a ton. BUT we also lived off student loans during school….so our loans are pretty high. Hang in there love, it does get better!!


  2. How wonderful. It’s people like him we need. I just had open heart surgery and my cardiac anesthesia people was wonderful and really made me at ease. I commend your husband to take on this task. Happy house hunting.

    1. Christi!!
      You don’t even know how much your comment meant to me!! Really sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it. Thank you so much for your kind words!!


    1. Chelsea!!

      Oh man I know exactly what you are saying…but now that we are hear and almost done it’s crazy to think that this time is permanent!! You know what I mean?? What is your husband going out in?? I’d love to hear.


    1. Ahhhh! Your going to love it. We are in Highland, right next to Redlands. Email me if your looking here and we can talk houses. 😉


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