Upping my Skin Care Game - Kailee Wright
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Upping my Skin Care Game


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Last week on Instagram, I mentioned that I was finally taking the steps to really up my skincare game.  I’m getting older whether I like it or not, and that + having 5 little people has taken a toll on my skin so I decided it was time for me to put some more focus on it.

I had heard so many good things from my close girlfriends about Form Med Spa here in Utah, so I knew it would be a great place to start!  Before starting any treatments, I started using their skincare line. It is a multi-step process, but really easy to follow and I am already noticing my skin changing and reacting to it after only using it for a month or so. Once I got that going, I decided to try a few treatments they recommended and have been  loving them! I can see why they had such positive reviews!

The first thing I tried was the Hydrafacial. It is a facial designed to clean and really exfoliate your skin, and moisturize with antioxidants and other nutrients. I could not get over how amazing my skin felt after this. It really cleaned out alllll my pores and it seems like it even made them smaller.

The other treatment I have done (last week) was the Photofacial IPL. This one focuses on age + sun spots. Which if you saw my story I’ve gotten more brown spots on my face since having the little people.  I was a little more nervous about this one being painful since it uses a laser like machine, but it actually wasn’t bad at all. They put a cooling gel on your skin before doing it so I didn’t think it was too uncomfortable at all. It takes a few treatments to see the full results, but I’m excited to see how it works!

The spa also offers dermal fillers and botox. I’m considering trying them out…ahhh you guys why is that so crazy/scary to me?! Have any of you tried these to help with under your eyes? I just don’t know! haha!

Anyway, so far I’ve decided to commit to 6 months of the facial treatments so I can really see the effects and how my skin changes. I made sure to take some before pictures, and am excited to see the afters and share them with you in another update around February!  I’d love to hear what you are doing to help up your skin care game! Let me know in the comments below and we can do this together!!

xx kails

Kailee Wright_Nordstrom Date Night

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photos: corissa langheinrich

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eighteen − 4 =

    1. Hi Amanda!! Well first of all you are way too kind to say that. I wish I had a good answer but it’s probably mostly from a mix of lucky genetics + chasing 5 kids around all day. Thank you for being part of this little community! Love hearing from readers!


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