3 Goals I'm Focusing On This Year - Kailee Wright
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3 Goals I’m Focusing On This Year

Kailee Wright Walmart workout

leggings  |  sports bra  |  jacket shoes 

January 2019 is in full swing and you know what that means? It is time for setting goals. I’ve never been a huge fan of making long lists of goals, just because its a new year. However, I do love to sit down with Joe and kind of re-assess our year, and what we can do to be more intentional. You won’t find us over here making the huge lofty unreachable goals, because I feel like that adds more stress and negativity in the long run. I honestly end up making the same “goals” or “intentions” for the year repeatedly, so this year I wanted to share with you the 3 I am focusing on, in hopes that it can help inspire you to simplify your own goals and truly feel better about what you can accomplish this year!

Kailee Wright Walmart workout

leggings  |  sports bra  |  jacket shoes 


I don’t know about you, but the dreaded  “workout x amount of days” commitment always seems to be a part of my new years goals. I made a similar goal last year and was so proud to finally be able to say I was able to make a commitment to myself to workout daily and start eating better and it is here to stay!

This year I wanted to broaden the typical “lose weight” or “no sugar goal”. I want to focus in on something that was helping me mentally too. Full body self care.  I want to continue to workout and be mindful of what I eat to feel stronger and healthier. Go to bed earlier so I feel ready for the day.

But I also want to remember it is okay to take time for me. As moms, I think we have a lot of guilt in doing anything that isn’t directly for our kids. But having tried to work on this lately, I can tell you how much this does directly benefit them.  It clears my head, increases my energy, and number one increases my patience with them. I know that it puts me in a better place mentally, and helps me to be a better mom.

Kailee Wright Walmart kids furniture

houston’s outfit  ||  my jumpsuit + disc necklace + bar necklace  ||  harper’s dress + headband  ||          kids table + chair set  |  pink stool


Just like with the fitness goal, being a more patient and present mom is always at the top of my goals list. Although it is repeated year after year, I don’t look at is as a failure or something I’m not accomplishing. Every year, or even few months, this is one of my goals I feel like I have to reassess. Our schedules change, we add in more sports or more homework, and with age the little peoples needs change. To me it is something I have to think about and even plan out on a daily basis how I can be more patient and more present. I want to get the most out of our time together and know they are getting the best of me.

Kailee Wright back to school traditions Hanna Andersson

hunter’s jacket + shoes  ||  harper’s dress + shoes + headband  ||  hudson’s top + joggers + shoes  ||  hayden cardigan + similar boots  ||  houston’s top + joggers + shoes  ||  my jeans + shoes


Last but not least is also one of my goals I have on repeat. BE ON TIME! As a mom of 5 kids, I think people kind of give you a free pass when it comes to being on time. They don’t think its possible. I know it is and that I can be better at it. It is definitely not easy, but I want to instill in my kids the importance of being punctual. Honestly I’m just so tired of the word HURRY. I feel like when we are running late, we carry a negative cloud with us due to the stress. So this year I’m focusing on no excuses. We have been rocking it at school and they are never late for that, so 9 am church is my next uphill battle!


As you can see, these are pretty simple goals that I continually make year after year. I know they can help me to be a better mom, a better wife, and a better person. I’d love to hear some of your goals you are most excited about!

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