Instagram Roundup - Kailee Wright
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Instagram Roundup

kailee wright instagram round upmy top + skirt + heels  ||  hunter skirt + shoes + jacket  || phone case (kailee10 for 10% off)

Welcome to 2019!! Wow, that feels so crazy to say! Haha! As much as I hate to see time fly, I love the feeling of a fresh start that January brings! Also everything is just new and ready for you! Before we jump in to all the good, new, exciting, and fun things we have for this space in 2019, I wanted to do a quick “Instagram Roundup” Review of the few months. I’ve had so many questions asking for links and just haven’t been able to get around to them during the holiday season, so I’m making it up to you now!! Below you can find a roundup of all my most asked about outfits on Instagram and links to everything!

Last, we’d love to know what kind of content you’d love to see in 2019!! So leave all your suggestions in the comments or on Instagram!! Also hope you had an amazing weekend!!

kailee wright instagram round up

houston jeans + top + jacket  ||  my top + jeans + cardigan + belt + shoes + disc necklace + crescent necklace  || harper dress + shoes + headband

kailee wright instagram round up

kenzie jeans + belt  ||  karli cardigan + dress  ||  my jeans + belt + top  || garland + stockings + rug

kailee wright instagram round up

my swim top + bottom + hat  ||  hunter similar swim

kailee wright instagram round up

long sleeve (comes in a bunch more colors)  |  jeans belt  |  booties  |  ring  |  loopy case (use code KAILEE10 for 10% off or KAILEE15 for 15% off)

kailee wright instagram round up

hunter top + shorts  |  hat  |  similar jacket  |  jumper

kailee wright instagram round up

hat (use code KAILEE for free shipping)  |  sweater  |  jeans + here booties purse  |  necklaces

kailee wright instagram round up

hunter top + similar shoes  ||  top  |  skirt similar shoes

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