3 Tips To Prep For The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - Kailee Wright
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3 Tips To Prep For The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Kailee Wright- Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

. . some predictions of what will be on SALE during the Nordstrom Sale . .

Summer is in full swing + with it comes one of my very favorite times of year – the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!! It’s honestly the game changer of sales for the whole year and the time I stock up the most!! Unlike most sales that are trying to dissolve old products to make room for a new season, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is full of  BRAND NEW fall styles you don’t want to miss at discounted prices!

Knowing how to navigate the sale can be tricky + even stressful because you have to work fast!!  Being prepared in advance as much as possible can be the difference in being able to snag everything on your list! So today I’m sharing three tips on how to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and what I’ve learned over the years to help you get the most bang for your buck!

nordstrom anniversary sale1: Be ready to shop as early as possible!

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is full of NEW + highly anticipated items. Since that is the case, a lot of items sell out fast! If you are going to take one piece of advice from me let it be this one. BECOME A NORDSTROM CARD HOLDER!! If you’re a Nordstrom Card Holder, you are granted early access to the sale! Yes you read that right…card holders get to start shopping a full 8 days before everyone else. So while the sale is open to the general public from July 20th – August 5th, you’ll start shopping on the 12th!!

In the past, popular items have sold out during early access, so even if you only use your card during the sale, I promise it will be worth it to score those amazing finds in your size before everyone else has a chance!  Plus if you sign up now and make a purchase using your card the day you get approved, you get a $40 credit, perfect to save for the sale!! You can sign up to be a card holder HERE.

2: Plan ahead!! I highly recommend making a “wish list” before the sale starts. Right before the sale is the perfect time to clean out + organize your closet. By doing this, you will know exactly what staple pieces you need to restock. With that you’ll be able to make a must have list. You will most likely find a few extra things  you love, but knowing in advance what your must have items are will help you focus on those first before they sell out! You can preview the sale by going HERE.

3: Shop online!! While I love a good shopping day, Nordstrom is my absolute favorite place to shop online. Not only is the website extremely user friendly, they also offer Free Shipping + Free Returns. You really can’t lose. The crowds during the sale can be insanity in store. This makes things hard to find, especially with limited store quantities. Online you can plan your picks, and quickly order first thing in the morning from the comfort of your bed! And although you miss the option to try things on, free returns allows you to order in a couple sizes and take back what doesn’t work.

With these three tips, you are sure to snag everything you have your eye on for the sale! Be sure to check back here the first day of early access too!! I will have a  huge roundup of all the BEST pieces so you don’t have to sift through pages and pages online to find the good stuff!! AND I’ll be sharing alllll my dressing room photos along with sizing details!!

If you aren’t already following along over on Instagram, you’ll want to head there too! I’ll be sharing my favorite finds and updates throughout the sale on my stories! Happy planning friends!! Also I’ll be posting lots of exclusive items + pictures on my LIKETOKNOW.it profile (@kailee_wright) so make sure to follow along there. You can download the app HERE + it’s free!

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