All About Our Favorite Three Year Old Houston - Kailee Wright
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All About Our Favorite Three Year Old Houston

Kailee Wright houston

houston swim + similar  |  rash guard  |  flip flops  |  harper similar swim headband sandals

I don’t know about you guys but I am DYING that July is already here!! Doesn’t it feel like you blinked and the first month of summer was gone?!  I have really been trying to soak up every second with my little people, because they are growing up so dang fast! Speaking of growing up, today we are celebrating our sweet Houston turning three!! Houston is the sweetest, most hilarious boy. We cannot get enough of his cute personality! In honor of his special day, I wanted to share THREE fun facts about him you may not know, as well as an update!kailee wright houston

coffee table  |  tray  |  couch  |  pink pillow  |  stripe pillow  |  black + white lumbar pillow  |  green pillow  |  pink blanket


  • As I’m sure you can see, Houston is our tiny little guy! He has always been our smallest babe. A lot of his size can be connected with how picky he is! He is by far our pickiest eater. While Harper will eat anything you put in front of her, this guy takes some major treat bribery to try anything new. But he is slowly getting better!
  • He is still wearing mostly size 2 clothes + size 4 diapers…yes the same as Harper!! He has started potty training himself, haha, and will go potty on his own all the time. I haven’t convinced myself to fully commit to training him with the puppy and a crazy summer, but it will be coming soon!
  • He is doing so much better with his speech! I’ve shared on here a few times that he has always been a little delayed for his age when it comes to speech. We have been working with a speech therapist twice a month,  as well as a cute girl from the school twice a week that comes and plays speech games with him. It has been such a game changer and we have seen such a difference! We aren’t going to start him in preschool yet this coming year, but he will get to go to a little speech class once a week, so he still thinks he is one of the big kids.
  • He is such a sweet big brother (most of the time) to “his baby”, and wants to help with everything. They have the funnest little relationship! She has just started putting up a fight when he teases he and we have learned he is a screamer when he doesn’t get his way!


  • He is OBSESSED with the puppy! They are so so cute together. Houston always knows where she is at all times. He loves playing with her toys with her, and trying to be big and help get her food + water. He thinks it is always HIS turn to hold her and loves to show her off. One of the main reasons we got the puppy was to help Houston with his speech. So we are so happy they have such a connection and it has helped him to learn different commands to tell her + connect simple words together.
  • His LOVE for baseball is out of this world. He would stay in the batting cage alllll day if we let him. He is constantly asking to “go hit balls” and thinks he is so big just like Hudson. While he may be a little slower with his speech, his hand/eye coordination and athletic ability is crazy. He no longer needs a tee, and can nail the ball with someone pitching to him, and loves to run the bases to celebrate. It is one of my favorite things to watch!
  • His best friend in the whole world is HUNTER! He is so in love with big sister. Whenever her friends come over he follows them around and says they are his friends. He bawls every time she leaves, probably more so than when Joe or I leave. He even sleeps in  a sleeping bag in the girls room so he can sleep with her. She is so sweet with him and I love seeing her little motherly instincts with him. I think he picked a pretty great choice for his best friend.

He really is the funnest, sweetest, little guy and we are so lucky to have him as part of our crew! We can’t wait to celebrate him all week long!

kailee wright houston

top (sold out) similar here + here jeans  ||  houston top + similar pants  |  harper top + pants (sold out) + headband  |  rug  |  coffee table  |  couch 

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