Easter Traditions - Kailee Wright
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Easter Traditions

kailee wright easter traditions family

top black jeans  |  harper dress + headband  |  houston tee + jeans baskets + grass + eggs bedding  |  pink pillow  |  vase + plant


Easter is just about here and it has me so excited! It always means Spring is just about here and good weather is coming! Like any holiday, I try to incorporate some fun Easter traditions to make it special for my little people! Since I love hearing what you guys do to celebrate, I thought I’d share some of our favorites, as well as some new ones we are thinking about starting this year!

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This one probably comes as a no brainer when it comes to Easter traditions, but has always been one of my little peoples favorites. I’ll throw a few treats in, but mostly I like to stick with more practical items I know they actually need and will use throughout the coming season. I shared some of my favorite ideas over in this post!


I know, also not anything crazy different, but we don’t do your average egg hunt. I’m not a huge fan of candy and my mom isn’t either so we do things a little different. Instead of stuffing the eggs with treats, we fill the eggs with money! Some are as small as a quarter and they go up to a few dollars! The little people absolutely love it because then they can get whatever they want! The best part is we also do an adult hunt too. Tthe stakes are a little higher and we aren’t just playing for quarters! It is such a fun Easter tradition we all really look forward to!


Growing up my mom always made holidays really special for us. A lot of her traditions I’ve continued with my little people because I love them so much! Having a big Easter Breakfast is one of them! Every Easter we buy these huge egg plates to use for our breakfast. The little people love having a fun giant plate to fill up with cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon…the  works! I love that something as simple as a different plate makes for an Easter tradition they always talk about!

For the past 9 years we have been away from family for Joe’s school, so Easter has kind of become our friend holiday. None of our group of friends really had the money to go home for a smaller holiday, so we made it special together. Honestly, our Easter’s with them are some of my very favorite memories. I know a lot of you are in the same boat right now away from close family, but these holidays can still be something so special with simple Easter tradtiions…even if they are new ones you start this year! Since we are close to family again and in our new home, I want to start a few new traditions too! These are some of my favorite ideas, but I’d love to hear what you do!

– Egg someone! : No not with actual eggs. This cute idea is to fill plastic eggs with cute notes and treats and throw them all over a friend or neighbors yard with a note saying “you’ve been egged!” I don’t know, but sounds fun and I’m sure the people will love it.

You guys always have the BEST ideas!! So I’d love to hear some of your favorite traditions or new ones your thinking of trying this year!!

kailee wright easter traditionskailee wright easter traditions babieskailee wright easter traditions familykailee wright easter traditions harper

photos : aubrey taiese 


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  1. Hey Kailee! My name is Megan and I am a mom of 3 boys (@mrs_wade_)…our favorite Easter tradition is on Easter morning I wake up first and go around waking up all the boys and my husband telling the good news…”the tomb is empty and He has risen!!!” Since you have 3 daughters they could do it with you…we join together as a family and read the story of Jesus’ resurrection from Luke 24 and explain it was the *women* who found out the good news and then went to share it with the disciples!!! After we are done they go find their Easter baskets which are hidden around the house☺️ I also wanted to share with you that myself and 2 of my girlfriends have recently started an Instagram account called @mommas__boys where we focus on lifestyle of raising boys (clothes,activities, crafts,toys, etc). We would love your support!!!

  2. I absolutely LOVE the “you’ve been egged” idea! We have lots of new neighbors that we are just getting to know and with littles this will be easy It’s so fun following you and your family on Instagram. Love all the connections we make!

    1. I thought that was SO fun when I found it too and know my little people will love doing it! Thank you so much for being part of this little community!


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