Holiday Gift Guide: Men - Kailee Wright
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Holiday Gift Guide: Men


under $50 : amazon fire stick  | shaving kit  |  cologne  |  fun socks  |  pajama bottoms  |  beanie  |  favorite restaurant gift cards  |  battery pack/charger

over $60 : watch  |  athletic shoes  |  wireless headphones  |  bluetooth speaker  | apple watch  |  winter jacket

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I don’t know how it seems to happen every single year, but time has flown by!! And somehow Christmas is just 6 weeks away! I’ve tried to be on top of it a little better this year. A few weeks ago I asked you guys what you wanted to see most in my holiday content this year. I was thrilled to get SO many responses requesting Gift Guides!

I love putting them together and they actually help me get my shopping done at the same time! This year I thought I would start off with the HARDEST one for me…and a lot of you…the amazing MEN in our life! From my favorite go-to gifts, to some new ideas I have for Joe + my dad this year, I hope you find something that works for the men in your life!

. .  click any image below to shop  . .


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