Instagram round up - Kailee Wright
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Instagram round up


dress  |  wedges  |  bracelets  |  lip color  |  nail polish

Happy middle of the week friends!! So I know I usually do my Instagram Round Up’s on Saturday — but you know summer + life + packing has really thrown me off the past week!! We’ve been playin hard but working hard too – packing and finishing everything up before the big move. Honestly I can’t believe we are leaving sunny California next week!!

Really when people say time just goes faster I agree whole heartedly. These past five years here have flown by, and I never thought in a million years I would say this…but I’m actually sad that this phase of our lives is over. But we are looking forward to whats in store and living by family!!!

Well, as always I’ve linked up all our looks from the past week and half (for those who don’t love to use Like To Know It) – cause I totally get it. haha. Hope you all are having a great week, cause I’m hoping we just survived this heat and packing up all the little people toys!! haha. Love you all!!

xx – kails


white dress (only $21)  |  hat  |  sandals  |  lip color  |  bag  |  hudson swimsuit



short sleeve body suit  |  maxi skirt  |  bracelet cuff  |  lipstick – angel  |  nail polish  ||  harper white dress  |  headband



top  |  jeans  + here  |  wedges



dress  |  moccs


dress + similar  |  heels + similar



shirt + here  |  skirt  |  wedges



hat  |  sunnies  |  t shirt  |  jeans  |  wedges – similar + here + here  |  bracelets



dress (sold out) – similar here + here  |  hat  |  sandals  |  sunnies

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