Three Ways I'm Keeping Focused This Summer - Kailee Wright
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Three Ways I’m Keeping Focused This Summer

Kailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_Neighborhood

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Lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions like “How do you stay focused with all the little people?” or “What do you do to feel more ready for the day?”. I’m definitely not a pro at all when it comes to this mom gig. But I wanted to share a few simple tips I’ve been trying daily to feel more focused in life! I hope they help you!!

  • I’ve been trying to regularly go on a morning walk with the babies before it gets too hot. The fresh air feels amazing, and sometimes just getting outside the walls of our home is what we all need to calm down and function a little better! Just being able to have that quiet helps my brain think and organize my to-do list for the day. We have been taking along our new customized Bugaboo Bee5 with the bassinet attachment and it has been amazing. Harper is really into grabbing her little feet and trying to suck on them. She loves being able to stretch out and lay down. I love that it is a little more enclosed with the extendable sun canopy to keep her cozy on the cooler mornings. By the way, isn’t the ruby red sun canopy adorable? It fits my personal style to a T, and helps make our walks a bit more stylish and enjoyable.


  • Second and probably the most important one, is to slow down and let the kids be kids. If you know me, you know my brain is always thinking of what is left on my to-do list, or all the things I need to do, and I have a hard time being in the moment.  I’ve really been trying harder to let Houston take the time on our walks to smell every flower, examine every bug, or collect every leaf he wants. I’ve been trying to say “yes” a little more often when he tries to fill the bassinet with a few of his toys to bring a long for the ride, or enjoy the extra time it takes for him to show off his independence and help me push the stroller. They are growing up so fast and I want to savor every second of their littleness that I can!


  • The last thing I have been trying (keyword trying**) is to get ready daily. This is a definite work in progress, but I have noticed it’s making such a difference already. I feel like the days I get up before the little people and get ready I get so much more accomplished and feel ready for the day. Getting out of the house more often,  just helps the overall feeling in our home. Plus it helps to be a little more happy and  prepared for all of life’s curve balls!

I hope some of these little tips can help you keep your focus this summer too! I’d love to hear any things you are doing to find this balance in your life too!

xx – kails

Kailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_NeighborhoodKailee Wright_Bugaboo Bee 5_Neighborhood

in partnership with Bugaboo

photos: corissa ann


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