Life Update - Kailee Wright
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Life Update

Time for another life update! I swear time is flying by and I’m just trying to soak it all up! Thank you for everyone’s support and excitement as we’ve been making house decisions and all that fun stuff! I’m sharing all the house details below along with an update of the kids and Joe’s job below!

Life Update: Hayden's Cheer

hunter’s top + pants + shoes || my top + jeans + shoes


Kailee Wright Family Pictures

hudson’s top || harper’s dress || hunter’s dress || houston’s top || hayden’s dress


We are in full-blown busy season again with the kids’ sports. This past weekend we had a split up the family and half of us headed to Salt Lake for Hayden‘s cheer competition and the other half went to Vegas for Hudson’s baseball tournament. I love watching my kids do things they love. This is honestly the first time we’ve ever had to split up as a family. Which kind of stunk. Hunter is working two jobs and focusing on her soccer skills! She’s been having a great junior year so far, enjoying dances and having fun with friends.

Kailee Wright Life Update


They’ve officially started to rip up the wood flooring! And hopefully we will start laying tile in the next week or so. The move-in date got pushed back four weeks, but we think in the end it’ll be worth it. All the kids seem to get more excited every single day as they watch progress on the house.

We have been in limbo for the past year and a half with moving, selling, buying, bulding not building and for me mentally I am so ready to just know we will be staying in one place for a few years.

I know there’s been a ton of questions coming in as to if we are going to build on our lot . So here is the answer…we bought this speck home as a steppingstone to build our final home. We currently still own our lot next to my parents that we will eventually build on. But we aren’t holding ourselves to a schedule. I think we’re so exhausted from the past year and a half that we’re just happy to be settled soon. I know eventually we will build our finally house as we still have our amazing house plans but it’s just not the right time. So it will be on the back burner until we are ready.


Joe officially starts his job at the hospital January 1st. And to be completely honest, I’m not sure I’m ready for him to go back full-time. It’s been such a blessing to have him not work as much these past nine months. I think the kids and I will really struggle having him gone more. But we are so grateful for his job and he is excited!!

Kailee Wright: Family Gender Reveal


Everyone came to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving, and we actually found out my middle sister is pregnant and having a boy! We are so excited to add another little person to the mix. I seriously can’t wait for everyone to come home for Christmas! I love having everyone together.

It’s such a crazy time of year. I know all you mamas know exactly what I’m talking about! I’ve been debating this year during Christmas break to just take off work the whole time my kids are out of school. I’ve gone back-and-forth as I’ve never done this for a full three weeks but I’m thinking we all need a break.

. . .

Hope everyone is having a fabulous December! If you missed it, I shared what I actually bought all my kids for Christmas here, so be sure to check that out!

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