My 2023 Goals + Intentions - Kailee Wright
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My 2023 Goals + Intentions

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Today on the blog I’m sharing my goals and intentions for 2023! And if you know me, you know my main intention/goal every year is to simplify and focus on the things that matter most. I really want to keep everything simple this year and not overwhelm myself too much, especially as we’re in the middle of a move right now! Simplifying is my main goal, but I also made a spiritual, physical, and financial goal so I’ll be sharing those below!





My spiritual goal this year is to continue to stay close to Christ and strengthen my relationship with Him so that I can keep receiving guided inspiration. Joe and I feel like we’ve never been more guided than we have been in the last 6 months, so we want to feel that guidance always.

Overall, my goal is to be more like Christ. I want to take on His attributes. I feel like He was always still and I really want to be like that. I want to be still… not worried, not hurried, just be present.


My physical goal is to gain 10 pounds! I want to gain healthy weight and grow some muscle. We’ve been so out of our routine. I used to workout 6 days a week, but right now I’m going to start working out 3 days a week and stick to a program. The program I’m doing is Cara Loren’s Burn workout app. As I continue to feel stronger, I will add in more workout days but for now I want to be consistent with 3 days a week.


Our financial goal this year is to save as much money as we can so that when we build our house, we can make our mortgage payment as low as we can. Our focus will be to save any extra money we make and just put it away into savings. Then when the home build is done, we can put as much money on the house as we possibly can. So that’s our financial goal for the next year and a half.

. . .

I think 2023 is going to be a great year for all of us! Comment below your goals and intentions for 2023!

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Sequin Dress
Ivory Rancher Hat

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