6 Tips For A Happier Home - Kailee Wright
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6 Tips For A Happier Home

Kailee Wright happy home

similar top + similar jeans + belt + booties  ||  harper’s leggings + headband   rug + nightstand || vase + greenery 

Having what most would call a big family, we often get asked how we keep it all together and remain so positive. How do we keep our home such a happy place? Now keeping it real, we have our fair share of crazy, teasing, tantrums, and fighting, because there are 7 people under one roof. But over time we have found a few tips and tricks that when we live by them, we tend to have a much happier home. So I wanted to share what works for us with you today!

Kailee Wright back to school traditions Hanna Andersson

harper’s dress + headband  ||  hunter shoes + similar jacket
hudson tee + joggers  ||  hayden similar dress + cardigan + similar boots


This tip is something we have just really started implementing since Christmas Break. It has been the biggest game changer for us. I was so tired of feeling like I was sending my kids off to school angry or frustrated. I didn’t want them starting their day on a negative note, just because we were short on time, because that is so easy to fix! And you guys, it is WORTH IT! Giving yourself that extra 15 minutes feels like an extra hour. It eliminates the rushing and the increased stress level to get out the door. When I’m not on edge and forcing them out the door, we all start our day on a better foot.

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Another way that really helps us become more of a happier home and start our day off on the right foot is making time for family prayer and scripture study. It really just gives us that calm, family bonding time to kind of set the focus for the rest of our day. Scripture study doesn’t happen as often as we’d like, but making at least prayer a priority always helps things start off happier.

Kailee Wright Walmart kids furniture

houston’s outfit  ||  my jumpsuit  ||  harper’s dress + headband  ||
table + chair set + pink stool


Whether you are 1 or 100, we all crave our loved ones undivided attention. We have all felt the sting when you are talking to someone and you watch them grab for their phone while “listening”. I don’t know about you, but the result isn’t happiness. Going out of our way to really be present with our spouse and our little people, and teaching them the importance of that is a big key to a happier home. Be all there, wherever you are. If you are all in, people will do the same for you.


As humans, we naturally function better on a routine. Having the knowledge of what comes next puts our brains at ease. It takes away the unnecessary stress and worry of the unknown. Having 5 very busy little people, a strict routine isn’t always possible. But that being said, I really try to keep what is in my control very routine and structured. Being able to mentally prepare for what is going to come in your day helps alleviates stress and helps us all stay a little happier.

Kailee Wright Nordstrom Sale kids


Having dinner together as a family (or as many of us as possible) is a huge priority for us. I love that it gives us a chance to connect after school + before practices and the hustle of the rest of the evening. It is a great way to stay on the same page so we know what is going on in each others life. Typically we just sit around the island. But on Valentines we sat around the actual table and I was shocked at how big of a difference we all noticed. We loved it. Hunter knows she has to come home during dinner because it is a priority for us, but we are always more than willing to take her back after wards. I really feel like to keep things happier, you need that connection mid-day.

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my top (similar)  |  jeans  |  similar booties  ||  houston’s similar top + jeans
rug  |  nightstand  |  white blanket  |  art  |  blue pillow


It is no secret I have a bit of a love for a clean space. You might think I’m crazy, but this is a HUGE contributor to a happier home. Maybe not while the cleaning is being done, but I promise the after math is. Going to bed with a dirty or cluttered house guarantees you are waking up to a to do list you are already dreading. It is a proven fact that clutter equals stress. So instead, we take 15 minutes before bed to each tackle a zone. That quick 15 minutes lets us start the day fresh and clean.

As I’m sure you can see, these aren’t life altering changes or shocking tips. They are just simple changes we have made in our day to day that have made a huge difference in having a happier home. So I wanna know, what tips do you have for a happier home?

photos : aubrey taiese 

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13 + eleven =

  1. How are you able to have a peaceful scripture study? We have four kids ranging in age from 10-almost one. We’ve started implementing scripture study 6 months ago and it’s still super hard. The kids are fighting the entire time and constantly tell us how much they hate it even though it usually only lasts 10 minutes. I was hoping it would bring more peace to our home but I feel like it’s done the opposite. I continue to do it though because I know it’s important. But how do I make it more peaceful? Any advice?


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