Q + A With Hunter - Kailee Wright
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Q + A With Hunter

Kailee Wright

hunter top + similar jeans  ||  my top + skirt  ||  nightstand + rug

When it comes to the blog and Instagram, I tend to show more of the babies. They are with me 24-7, and a lot of you are in that same baby stage so you can really relate better to that. But recently I’ve been getting a lot more questions and requests about the bigger kids, especially Hunter. Her likes, dislikes, our relationship, and how she handles the ups and downs of life as a tween. So we got to show her off a little more in this post, but love giving her the spotlight. So we put together a list of all your questions and sat down with Hunter to get you some answers!

kailee wright instagram round up

my swim top + swim bottom + hat  ||  hunter swim suit


:: What is your favorite thing about Hunter?
My absolute favorite thing about Hunter is that she has the kindest heart. She never wants anyone to feel left out and truly adores everyone no matter what differences they might have. I love that she is always thinking of how she can make someones day a little better so she can be a better friend.

:: What is your favorite thing to do with Hunter?
I love to just go to dinner or out to get ice cream, just the two us so I can really focus. When it’s just the two of us I can get her to talk my ear off about school, friends, just life in general with no distractions. Hunter said…anything that includes just the two of us.

:: How do you keep an open communication in your relationship?
I just have to make a huge effort and really try to have a good attitude about it. So it is definitely not always easy, because if you have a tween/teen, you know they don’t always want your opinion on things. But it is so worth it.

kailee wright instagram round up

hunter’s top + shorts  ||  my jumpsuit + similar jacket + hat

:: How do you keep your older kids open and honest with you as they older?
We always say we won’t be mad and will always always still love them, no matter what happens. We might not like what they did but we will always love them.

:: Do you allow sleepovers?
No, and I never will. Nothing good happens at a sleepover. I’ve heard too many horror stories.  Even if you know and trust the person, at minimum you have cranky irritable kids the next day from being up too late. They are just not for us. We do late nights instead and that has worked for us.

:: Do her friends know you are “instafamous” and does it bother her?
Yes her friends know me but hunter doesn’t think it’s a big deal at all. She has told me she doesn’t know what to say because we’ve taught her that I’m no different then anyone else.

:: Does she have a phone/social media?
We let her borrow our old phone, but it is not hers. She gets to take it daily so we can get a hold of her, but that is really all it is used for. It does not have a camera, texting, or apps on it, it is primarily for calling and her music. She is very responsible about it and has to turn it in every night. I personally don’t feel like social media was made for kids and she doesn’t need it and all the crap that comes with it. I trust her completely, but when I have felt bullied as an adult on there, I don’t need to worry and wonder what she would go through when it’s not necessary.

::What age will you let her start dating?
Twenty five!! Haha I wish I could keep her locked up forever! Really we will let her start dating when she is 16.

:: How often do you have one on one dates?
We try for a minimum of twice a month. Joe likes to have one on one with her too. It all depends on our schedules but as often as possible! For Christmas we gave the older kids a date for every month to hold us accountable.

kailee wright instagram round up

hunter’s skirt + jacket + shoes  ||  my skirt + top + shoes 

. . .

Kailee Wright Nordstrom Sale tween

top + jeans + shoes


:: What is your favorite thing to do with your mom?
Anything that is just the two of us so I get all her attention and we can just have fun.

::What is your favorite thing about your mom?
My favorite thing about her is that she is always there for me, no matter what.

:: What do you like the most about being oldest?
I like that I get to do more things than the others because I am more grown up.

:: What do you like the least about being the oldest?
The worst part about being the oldest is that younger siblings blame things on you, or so you get blamed for things happening because you’re supposed to be the most responsible one.

:: What do you think about having so many siblings?
It is hard but it’s also really fun. The best part is probably that it gives you someone to play with, so there’s always someone there.

:: What rule of your parents is the hardest for you to follow?
Definitely the sleepover rule.

similar dress + shoes + hat

:: How do you feel about your parents sleepover rule?
I don’t love it and wish there were exceptions sometimes so I could be with my friends, but I respect the rule, and know they are always doing the best thing for me.

:: Where do you want to go to college and what do you want to study?
I want to go to BYU Hawaii. I’m not sure what I want to study yet.

:: What do you want to be when you grow up?
I would love to be a professional soccer player, or do something like what my mom does.

:: What is the hardest part about being a tween in 2019?
I think it is probably everyone else have something you don’t, so you are wondering why don’t I have it. I think you just wanna be like everyone else so you can fit in.

:: How do you feel about pictures/videos of you being posted on your moms blog or Instagram?
I feel fine – mostly because I know my mom wouldn’t post anything embarrassing about me. Unless she asks me first. She always respects us and is fine if we don’t want to be in a picture of video, so it is our choice.

kailee wright instagram round up

hunter’s top + shoes  |  my top + skirt + shoes

So I hope that helps answer some of your questions! If you have more, leave them in the comments so we can add them to the post! So I wanna know if this was something you guys liked, and if you’d be interested in doing these with the other kids too?

Tell Me What You Think! leave a comment...

thirteen + eight =

  1. yes, please do with the other kids. i loved this read and took a lot from it. i have a 3 & 4 year old. so i look forward to learning from this but it would be fun to see what your younger kiddos have to say as well! thanks for always being inspiring!!

  2. Is your sleepover rUle the same for your house? She cant go to friends sleepovers or sHe cant haVe friends sleepover or both? Were you allowed to have sleepovers Growing Up?

  3. I abSoLutely loved this post! 🙂 Hunter seems like such a good girl and i love how you giys have developed a relationship of love and respect. I have 3 littles, 4 and under, and loved hearing your adVice and thOughts about things ive neVer thOught about! Thanks for the post 🙂

  4. I love this!! I have three daughters, the oldest being 8. She’s entering a phase of thinking she’s older than she really is and it has been a real struggle for us to connect well. The “teen attitude” showing up so early is honestly super frustrating. I love seeing Hunter’s take on everything. We’re a no sleepover family also!

  5. Hi Kailee- i really enjoy follOwing you. Im about to haVe my 4th and love the name hUnter fOr a girl- i am Curious what her middle name is?



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