3 Easy Ways to Make Toilet Paper Storage Look Better - Kailee Wright
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3 Easy Ways to Make Toilet Paper Storage Look Better

Kailee Wright Toilet paper wire baskets

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We’ve talked about how I love to stock up on paper goods whenever I shop for them. Why not? We’re never not going to need toilet paper am I right? But stocking up means having a clean simple way to store and organize that excess as well. So as simple as it seems, today I wanted to share 3 easy ways to make your toilet paper storage look a little better, but be functional too!

I think it’s important that you keep toilet paper stored in every single bathroom.This may seem obvious, but there are many people that keep back stock stored in a cold storage area, or in their pantry or linen closet. I think it’s important to divide up your storage into each individual bathroom to avoid the dreaded empty roll when you REALLY need it!  We’ve all heard it, “mom! I need toilet paper!” At a bare minimum, keep at least three extra rolls in each bathroom at all times. Depending on what kind of storage you already have in your bathrooms, there are some unique options that I’ve come across that can help you be able to stock up and save in your bathroom.  These options all great ways to avoid that desperate need for a square, without compromising style and organization. 

Kailee Wright Toilet paper wire baskets


First up, is the option I think works best in a powder bath. Floating shelves are an incredible storage option that keeps a clean modern spin on your design, and doesn’t compromise on space! Once you have a shelf that flows with your design, you can style them with stacked toilet paper itself, or tuck it away in a basket on the shelf. Incorporating the toilet paper into the styled shelf keeps it close by, but in more of a design aspect at the same time. 



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Kailee Wright Toilet paper wire baskets


This option in my opinion is as good as it gets when it comes to toilet paper storage, and what we do in our Master Bathroom. So many times bathrooms are lacking natural elements, keeping them feeling sterile and not very homey. Adding a basket, with or without a lid, helps the room feel more “done” as well as helps store as much toilet paper as you need. Play around with this and try different basket styles to fit your own personal style. 


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Kailee Wright Kids Bathroom container store


This is a common family go to. Most bathrooms have some form of vanity or cabinet storage which makes this option easy.  But please don’t just throw it in there and call it good. We want things to stay organized under there! I recommend placing a plastic tub or basket inside your cabinet to hold the toilet paper. That way the toilet paper has a place and isn’t getting shuffled around. This will also protect against any leaks and spills that always seem to happen. 


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I know it seems simple, but taking the time to organize the small things make the biggest difference in your home organization overall. So I’m curious, what’s your go to way to store your extra toilet paper? 

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