3 Habits For A More Productive Day - Kailee Wright
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3 Habits For A More Productive Day

Kailee Wright 3 habits more productive

my tee + jeans  ||  houston outfit  || rug nightstand bed  |  white blanket blue pillows  |  art

I don’t know about you, but life is in a crazy stage for us. It feels like it is a constant go go go. I’ve started to notice that certain habits I’ve gotten into can really make or break my day when it comes to my productivity. I know I am always looking for tips to make my day run a little easier or a little smoother, so I thought I’d share the 3 things that have really helped me be the most productive in my day!

Kailee Wright 3 habits more productive

my teejeans  |  booties (sold out) similar ||  harper cardigan  |  dress (similar)  |  leggings headband

rug  |  nightstand bed  |  white blanket blue pillows  |  art  |  couch


This one has been SUCH a game changer for me! As you probably saw last week, I shared 6 things that keep me motivated to work out, and one of them is starting my day feeling so energized and ready to take on the day. When I set my alarm, and get to Orange Theory and back by 7, it starts my day off so well. I feel like I’m awake and more attentive to my little people in the morning. My mind is more focused and not so groggy from just pulling myself out of bed. I can take the time to get ready before they need my attention. The day just runs so much smoother.


I don’t know about you, but waking up to a mess instantly puts me in a bad mood. When I take the time to pick up around the house before going to bed, I feel like I wake up ahead of the game, instead of with that on my to do list as soon as my eyes open. I love that it gives the day a fresh start and to me a clean house is a HAPPY house!


Are you having flashbacks to your teen years with your mom telling you that evvvvery morning? Those moms were on to something. It seems like the simplest task, but I promise you it makes the biggest difference into how productive your day ends up being. If my bed isn’t made, I feel like it is calling my name every time I walk in my room. I much more likely to be lazy and lounge around all day if I feel like that cozy spot is open and available. Right along with clean house, it just makes things feel more put together and less of a distraction.

Kailee Wright 3 habits more productive

I know these are the simplest tips to being more productive. But for me they have been SUCH a game changer. It is the difference between feeling sluggish or like I can conquer the day! haha! Figuring out little things we can change that make big impacts on our time and efficiency are what its all about in this parenting game, so I hope they are helpful! I’d love to hear your little tips + tricks to make your day productive and awesome too!

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19 − 6 =

  1. Im with you on everything but the Bed making. Ive attempted so many times in my life and Always eventually failed. But!!! Im going to try it again and hopefUlly prevail.


follow along @kailee_wright