6 Things Keeping Me Motivated to Workout - Kailee Wright
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6 Things Keeping Me Motivated to Workout


Kailee Wright Walmart workout

jacket + similar sports bra  + similar  |  leggings + similar  |  shoes (sold out) similar + here weights  |  yoga mat

Now that some of the little people are back in school and in a routine, I’ve really been trying to take more time to focus on getting healthier, both through eating better and working out. If you’ve been around here for a while, you probably saw me repeatedly say over the summer that I really wanted to get on a workout schedule, but getting back in to the groove can be hard!! I seemed to have all the excuses, but once I started, now I can’t get enough. We can all kind of get stuck in that funk. So today I wanted to share 6 things that are keeping me motivated to work out!

Kailee Wright Walmart workout

jacket + similar sports bra  + similar  |  leggings + similar  |  shoes (sold out) similar + here weights    yoga mat

  1. My first reason is pretty simple, but probably one of the most important. I feel so much healthier already. Before I started working out again, I was constantly so so tired. The change in my energy has been unreal. I know that my eating healthier goes hand in hand with this, but I am shocked at how quickly I just felt healthier overall, and I honestly don’t want to lose that feeling! For me personally, my workout reason wasn’t to lose weight, but to feel stronger and healthier and I am already seeing results I love.
  2. My day goes so much better when I wake up early and get it done. I thought my girlfriends that woke up at 5 0r 6 am were insane. But there is something about getting up before my little people and taking that time to better myself just makes me feel so much more accomplished. It starts my day off on the right foot. I feel like I’m fully awake and already have my day going and energy up when they wake up and need me. And as a mom, I don’t have to let that guilt we get creep in because they are still sleeping!

Kailee Wright Walmart workout

3. The change in my mental health completely blows my mind. My assistant Michelle had constantly told me that working out makes her a different person mentally, and honestly, I kind of took it with a grain of salt. Sure you were getting a break but it can’t do that much. Boy was I wrong.

I have already noticed I am in such a better place. Not only am I a nicer mom and wife, but I have so much more patience. As much as we don’t think of it as some sort of lucky thing we get to go do, taking that time for me and actually leaving the house alone, just makes you feel like your own person again too, on top of being a mom. I don’t go to the regular gym. I go to Orange Theory. But even that small amount of social interaction from the staff and people around you just makes you kind of feel like an adult again for a minute and give you that breather you need.

4. My kids are a huge motivation for me to continue my regular workout. I want them to see that i’m striving to be healthier. That taking time for myself is important too. I want them to know how important I think believing in yourself + setting goals is. I never really saw my parents go and workout or place a huge importance on that, and I want to be that example for them to love your body and work to keep it healthy and strong.

Kailee Wright Walmart workout

5. This may sound like kind of a lame but it is motivator. But it is a big one for me, and that is my stage in life. Over that past years, I’ve always kind of made the excuse to myself of what is the point…I’m just going to get pregnant again and lose it all. I know that is a dumb excuse, but I feel like now that I’m not pregnant or nursing or anything, I’m more motivated. My hard work is here to stay and gives me more motivation to keep going and enjoy longer lasting results. Now this is not to say I shouldn’t have done it earlier to have healthier pregnancies. You do you.

6. My last but DEFINITELY not least thing that motivates me to workout are the workout clothes! Just like when you get a new pair of jeans or shoes and you are excited to wear them out with the girls or on date night, workout clothes is the same for me! I think in all aspects of life if you feel good you do better, and a workout is no exception. I even have girlfriends who use that cute pair of shoes or sports bra they have their eye on as a reward for reaching exercise goals.

With athleisure being so trendy right now, I’ve been loving the endless amounts of cute options. I was shocked when I found some of my favorites on Walmart.com. How did I have no idea Walmart had high end brands like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Steve Madden?  I love that I can splurge a little on some of the pieces, but they pair perfectly with their Everyday Brand options too, like these leggings or sports bras. The quality is still amazing and you can’t be the prices!

Kailee Wright Walmart workout

Whatever motivates you, I hope you take the time to focus on yourself sometimes. As moms and even as women in general, I think it is built in to us to put the focus on others first and forget we need to take of us too! So I wanna know, what are your best workout motivators?!

Kailee Wright Walmart workout

in partnership with walmart

photos : aubrey taiese 

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  1. Thank you for The motivating pOst!! As a new first time mom, WitH a baby in the hospital for the first 3 montHs, now that we are home i have made cOUntless excuses for not workinG out…,Thank you for Reminding me of the impoRtance of it for myself and my family.


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