3 Tips For A More Productive Week - Kailee Wright
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3 Tips For A More Productive Week

Kailee Wright Walmart delivery

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Anyone else feel like life is in a constant busy stage of go go go?  My to do lists seem to be multiplying, even when I’m crossing things off!! I’ve started to notice that certain habits I’ve gotten into at the beginning of the week, make a big difference when it comes to my productivity.  So today I thought I’d share 3 of those simple tips for you to try too!

Kailee Wright Food Diary


The first thing I do to help simplify and set up my week for success is a brain dump of my to do list. I take my work calendar, the kids school + extra curricular calendar, and everything in between, and get them all in one central place by priority. Starting my week off by simplifying and organizing carpools, work hours and appointments helps me feel much more productive. Doing this helps me to accomplish so much more and feel like I’m spending my time wisely.


Next up in setting up my week for success is always meal planning. I’m not talking full on meal prep, because I don’t like to hold myself accountable for too much. But meal planning has made such a difference. This means taking stock of my pantry/fridge, and making a list of what needs restocking.

Kailee Wright Walmart delivery


Last but definitely not least is ordering my groceries from Walmart’s Online Pickup & Delivery. If you haven’t used this service before, this needs to be at the top of your to do list this week!! I have used it for a couple of years now, and I can honestly say it is my favorite mom hack. As a busy mom, it is the most convenient time saver.

You can order straight from the website or on the app from your phone. I prefer the app because it is so efficient and convenient. I love having the app on my phone. When I run out of something while making dinner or think of something while I’m out running errands, I can quickly pull it up and add the item to my cart before I forget!

Once you have the app downloaded and you’ve created a profile with your closest Walmart selected, you just add the items to your cart, as if you were virtually shopping the store. You can shop for groceries  or add fashion items, school supplies, toys, and more to your order. As long as your order reaches the $35 minimum, there is no added charge for pickup! (small fee for the delivery option)

Being able to add items to my cart, order, and know that I can do a quick pick up after dropping the kids off at school or schedule for delivery is my favorite way to simplify my week and set it up to be more productive.

Kailee Wright Walmart delivery

. . .

I know these are the simplest tips to being more productive. But for me they have been SUCH a game changer to how I start my week. Figuring out little things we can change that make big impacts on our time and efficiency are what its all about in this parenting game! I’d love to hear your little tips + tricks to make your week more productive too!

in partnership with Walmart

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