3 Tips To Remember When Buying A Stroller - Kailee Wright
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3 Tips To Remember When Buying A Stroller

Kailee Wright Buy Buy Baby

This post is sponsored by buybuy BABY and ShopStyle

When it comes to buying baby gear, I kind of consider myself a seasoned veteran. We’ve been through the baby stage with 5 babies now, and have not only found our favorites, but learned from our own mistakes as well. One of the hardest decisions for us when it comes to baby gear, was figuring out what stroller we wanted. We definitely didn’t take the easiest route, and there are a few things I wish I would’ve considered when I was first looking, so today I’m sharing my 3 tips to remember when you are buying your own stroller!

Kailee Wright Buy Buy Baby


Before you even start shopping, take the time to really think about your family size and your needs. Do you need something small and compact? Are you looking for a double? Or do you want your stroller to be more for jogging? Think of your specific situation and use that as a guide when you are shopping and don’t settle!

I say don’t settle because we did early on, and I was never happy with our strollers. I always had my dream set on the Bugaboo Donkey, but told myself it was too much. In the long run, we ended up spending more on multiple strollers than we would have on just going with our dream in the beginning. To me, you should think of the price in use. If you are getting a high quality piece like the Bugaboo Donkey, it is going to last you for years. So that price tag is covering years of use instead of 1 year and wearing out.

Kailee Wright Buy Buy Baby


When you buy a car, it is safe to say most people take it for a test drive before buying. To me, a stroller should be no different. I highly recommend going to a place like buybuy BABY, where they allow you to really get a good in depth look and feel for their gear before making your purchase. You can test out everything from storage space to maneuverability before you get your wallet out. Practice folding it up and unfolding to see if it something you do on your own. Does the storage basket fit your diaper bag and all your travel accessories? Get a good feel for it so you feel comfortable with your purchase.

Kailee Wright Buy Buy Baby


If I could only give you one piece of advice, it would be to do your shopping for baby gear at buybuy BABY. It is basically new parent heaven. If you are anything like me, you look at all the options and are completely overwhelmed. That is why I LOVED shopping at buybuy BABY. First of all, their employees are experts on what they carry. They have floor models that they will take the time to show you different functions and perks and you can actually try them out yourself instead of just hoping you picked a good one.

I also love that they have something for every budget. When we first had Hunter, we were poor students and didn’t have a lot to spend on a stroller. A friend told us to try buybuy BABY and I’m so glad she did because they helped us find something that worked perfectly for both our budget and our needs. And even better, we were able to register there for everything else we needed. A great perk offered at buybuy BABY, is that after you have your baby, they offer 15% off the items remaining on your registry.


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Kailee Wright Buy Buy Baby

As you can probably see from my tips and pictures, we went with the Bugaboo Donkey and have been so happy with it! I wanted to share a few of the features I love about it that make it our dream stroller.

First of all, it meets all my storage needs. With snacks, diapers, toys, drinks, all the things that come with being on the go with 5 little people, I need storage space and the basket on the Bugaboo Donkey is HUGE.

In addition to storage, I love the seat configurations. The babies can face me, away from me, each other, you can hook a bassinet on, or just have the one seat. I love that we have so many options so we can adjust depending on what we are using it for that particular day.

The third thing I love about the Bugaboo is the accessories. Who doesn’t love accessorizing? From easy to attach snack trays, to extra-long canopies to protect your baby from the sun, the Bugaboo can be decked out in everything!

And last but not least is the maneuverability. For such a big stroller, it is so easy to control. My kids can easily push their siblings in it without it feeling heavy or awkward. It is easy to maneuver through crowds too.


I hope these tips will come in handy when you are buying your baby gear!

photos : aubrey taiese 

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